fifty-one ; i kissed a girl.

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"I feel like a pig waiting to be slaughtered just waiting around like this. I mean, there's no way I'm going to win!"

Alicia patted Kurt's shoulder. It was the only thing she could do. As his campaign manager, it was her duty to keep him as optimistic as possible. As someone watching the amount of girls flock to the election, however, she had her doubts. Brittany had pushed the feminist narrative hard enough that Alicia would've voted for her if she was allowed to vote.

"Don't worry, okay?" Alicia's voice sounded feeble to her own ears. Rachel narrowed her eyes, and Alicia coughed awkwardly, trying to focus on keeping her tone bright. "I believe in you. And no one deserves this more than you. Right, Rachel?"

Rachel had resigned from her own campaign in order to promote Kurt's. It had been a last-ditch effort, but it was an effort that Alicia still appreciated. Despite all of her insanity, Rachel was a good friend at heart. She nodded aggressively. "Of course. Kurt, you're brilliant, there's no way you won't win." She paused. "Trust me."

There was some alternative significance to Rachel's insistence. Alicia wasn't sure why, but she wouldn't push it. Kurt looked stressed enough as it was. 

It probably didn't help that the election for state representative was today, as well. And also being held in their school gym, for some reason.

Alicia gazed at the crowd. She was looking for a familiar tall figure. Her lips quirked into a small smile as she noticed Finn ducking into one of the school voting booths. At least she knew Kurt's campaign had his vote.

Things had been a little awkward recently with Finn. He'd tricked Principal Figgins into believing that Santana's slap was in fact a stage slap in order to make her participate in this week's pro-lesbian glee rehearsal. It was an attempt to make her accept herself. 

But Alicia still felt a bit weird about the entire scenario. She'd admitted that she had been disappointed in Finn for outing Santana, however unintentional it may have been, and they hadn't spoken directly since. She missed him desperately, but she couldn't think of anything left to say; at least, until this week's lesson was finished.

Kurt was pacing around their small little space in the gym. He'd already been interviewed by Jacob Ben Israel, who had been pushing for Kurt to admit his defeat. But Alicia knew Kurt better than that. He would never admit defeat until it was the final move, like a game of chess.

"So where's Blaine?" Alicia asked, hoping to break some of the tension thrumming through Kurt's body. 

At the mention of Blaine, Kurt did soften. That was a relief. "He's practicing his dance moves in the choir room with Tina since most the glee club is participating in the election. But he said he's going to come by after a little while to support me, no matter what the outcome is."

Alicia nodded. "That's sweet of him. It's good that you have such a solid foundation of support with your partner."

"It would be better if he'd quit texting Sebastian every other day, but . . ." Kurt sighed. He didn't notice when Alicia tensed over Sebastian's name. "I suppose I can't blame him too much. His charming obliviousness to people's affections for him never fails. I mean, you both remember last year." He gave a delicate shudder.

Alicia cringed. It made sense that Sebastian had a thing for Blaine, considering that horrifying interaction at Dalton Academy. But she knew more than she was letting on to Kurt about Sebastian. She worried about when that might catch up to her.

Rachel eyed Alicia, appearing to notice her discomfort. Which, naturally, only increased her discomfort.

"Well, I, personally, am glad you're here, Alicia," Rachel said, giving her a gentle pat on the arm. Alicia looked at the other girl's hand in blatant surprise. They hadn't spoken much recently, and Alicia had been under the impression that she was one of Rachel's least favorite people.

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