ten ; i'll stand by you.

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"Beyonce or Lady Gaga?"

Alicia let out a surprised yelp, tossing her feet over Kurt's lap. He pushed them onto the floor, and she glowered at him. They were sitting on her living room couch. If she wanted to use him as a footrest, wasn't that morally acceptable? "Is there really a right answer to that question when it's asked by you?"

"No. Probably not. But you have to answer, anyway."

"Oh, God. Okay. Um." Alicia scrunched her nose up in concentration. Eventually, she nodded. "Okay. Katy Perry."

Kurt looked as personally offended as expected. "What kind of lunatic would prefer her over Beyonce or Lady Gaga? Honestly, if I have to hear Teenage Dream one more time, I may vomit."

She grabbed one of the many pastel throw pillows (this one, a pale pink), smacking him in the face with it. Kurt's lips parted, shock obvious. Right. She'd forgotten his moisturizing obsession. She still couldn't stifle her laughter. "That's what you get for insulting Katy. And Teenage Dream is an amazing song, by the way!"

"Yes, well, it isn't one you'll ever see me crying over."

Alicia opened her mouth, before shaking her head. Might as well drop it. This was the first time she'd invited a friend over to her house since middle school. Arguing over pop icons was not a desirable way to spend time. "If there was an acoustic version, I might. I always cry over acoustic songs."

"That is because you listen to depressing music."

"The Fray is not that depressing!"

Kurt waved his hand dismissively. He had an air of superiority to him, and while it originally bothered Alicia, she was starting to see through it. He acted like he was better than everyone to convince them he was. Maybe that was why he bickered so much with Rachel; they were painfully similar. "All right. Moving on to bands that don't make me want to get hit by a bus. Favorite Destiny's Child song?"

Silently, Alicia thanked Mariana for having such a diverse music taste. She'd gotten her love of sad songs from her mom, but Mariana always preferred upbeat, empowering music. "Jumpin', Jumpin' is kind of a weakness of mine."

"Oh, God, yes. Imagine Finn singing that." He sighed dreamily, oblivious to Alicia's confusion. "Those vocals with a man's voice? Amazing."

"Tina and I were discussing singing it someday. You know, if -- if Rachel ever gives up the spotlight." Alicia sounded distant to her own ears, and she felt just as detached. Imagine Finn singing that. She couldn't, really, she doubted he knew any of the artists they were discussing. More importantly, she couldn't guess why Kurt would want to imagine that.

Kurt nodded. She doubted he heard her at all. "Do you think Finn would be a Beyonce fan? Or maybe more Gaga?"

"I think he prefers Mr. Schuester's music. Journey and King or whatever." It was actually Queen, but Alicia was still detached. The issue was obvious, but she refused to accept it. "I think I heard him humming I Want It That Way once."

"Close enough."

"Kurt, why would you--?"

"What do you think about Bills, Bills, Bills?" Vaguely, she wondered if he'd anticipated her question and interrupted her to avoid it. But -- no. Of course not. He'd never expect that, because his answer wouldn't be yes. "I, personally, think that would be a perfect song for Sectionals. Or at least Regionals."

"I don't think Mr. Schue would agree to it. Or Rachel, for that matter. They're pretty biased."

"No wonder she's throwing herself at him this week." Kurt rolled his eyes. Alicia giggled. At their last glee rehearsal, Rachel practically had hearts in her eyes as she sang a ballad with Mr. Schuester. "Well, I wasn't thinking about her singing the song. Boys can sing songs by girls."

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