fifty-seven ; love shack.

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"Alicia? What are you doing here?"

She looked across the auditorium, surprised to see Finn standing directly across from her. Briefly, she assumed the mysterious message must've been from him, but he looked as surprised as Alicia. Her brows drew together. "I got a note from someone asking to meet them here. I assumed it was you."

"Well, I thought it was you," said Finn. Now, they stood across from each other on the stage. 

Alicia shrugged, running her hands up and down her arms, as if cold. "Maybe it's Sebastian," she suggested, though doubt was laced throughout her tone. Concern and disdain equally flashed across Finn's expression.

Last week, Alicia had come down with the same illness that Tina had. She probably caught it from the other girl during their traditional monthly catch-up at their old favorite pizza parlor, Bella Notta. It made several conversations easier to have with people when she was sick. Such as opening up to Finn and Quinn about her insane revelation that she was probably related to Sebastian Smythe. Kurt was the only important person who didn't know, and frankly, she was too terrified to tell him after Blaine's blinding.

She'd opened up to Arabella and Mariana before she got sick, which was a little unfortunate. But Mariana seemed to help Arabella through her flurry of mixed emotions. It could've been worse.

But that was already two weeks ago. Now, something even more frightening than confessing to a potential secret brother was occurring.

Valentine's Day week.

Which was why she was nearly relieved that the unusual note wasn't from Finn. She loved him unconditionally and as passionately as ever, but something about the overwhelming affection of Valentine's Day frightened her. Frankly, she didn't know if she was prepared. It felt like a holiday of confessionals.

Alicia opened her mouth, prepared to provide more suggestions. Before she could, the lights suddenly darkened.

Several terse seconds passed. Eventually, Finn let out an uneasy laugh. "Y'know, I've never really liked horror movies. So if we're about to get murdered, I really don't have any, uh, experience."

Before Alicia could pretend she was an expert in martial arts, a single blinding spotlight appeared. It centered on a silhouette in the middle of the stage. Their back was turned to Alicia and Finn. 

But it didn't take too long until Alicia recognized the designer boots.

Alicia saw the instant it connected for Finn. His brows went from endearingly furrowed to narrowed, and he shot Alicia a look of disbelief. His mouth opened, but no words escaped. For once, Finn appeared completely appalled. And for once, Alicia couldn't blame him. 

Jesse slowly turned around. The second thing Alicia noticed, aside from the expensive boots, was the absence of his floppy curls. Instead, there was an unusual amount of product in his hair, giving it a coiffed appearance; almost slightly slicked back. Additionally, he wore black trousers instead of his usual dark jeans, paired with a black button-up with the top three buttons left undone. It revealed an eye-catching amount of skin. 

Alicia couldn't breathe, for some reason. 

Her whirlwind of emotions must've been written across her face, because Jesse cracked a familiar smirk -- one of the only remaining familiar things about him. "It's insane how indifferent your school security is. They just let anyone into this old place."

"Aren't you, like, thirty by now?" Finn asked dryly. A protective arm came around Alicia's shoulders. Jesse's gaze briefly flicked towards the movement, before returning Finn's stare. He was completely impassive. "It's a little weird that you're still sneaking into high schools."

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