thirty-seven ; get it right.

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Alicia twirled her pink pen between her fingers, glowering down at the unfinished song with mild disdain. On frequent occasions, she could complete a poem in minutes. She'd written dozens of songs since the start of this one. Yet over a year had passed and she was still incapable of finding the perfect lyrics to close this one melody. 

What if we ruin it all, and we love like fools?

She would never finish it. Irritation clawed at her; prepping for Regionals would have been the perfect opportunity for her to aim for the spotlight on her own. Maybe that desire had something to do with Rachel and Quinn partnering up to work on a song together. Her insecurities tended to shine through when it involved those two. 

She had escaped away to the Lima Bean, the coffee shop that Dalton students usually frequented. This was where she'd met Blaine a few months ago. While texting Kurt, funnily enough. She dropped in once or twice with Jesse last year, too.


With a frustrated huff, she slammed her tattered songbook shut and shoved it across the table. Her iced vanilla latte glowered back at her. She sensed judgment.

In an inanimate object's nonexistent stare.

She really needed help.

She fiddled with the straw stuck in her latte, pinching it between her forefinger and thumb. It was getting late, and considering she didn't have a ride, it probably wouldn't hurt to head to the bus stop before the twilight became too threateningly. Yet she found little motivation to leave.

It had nothing to do with home specifically. Now that she had reconciled with Mariana, Arabella was a much brighter person to be around. If she was home, that is, and not staying late at work again. And of course, Alicia adored her two cats. They were her world. Much more relevant than any boy. Or boy drama.

And yet.

Here she was.

How disappointing.

Before Alicia could fall too deep into the trap of self-judgment, her phone buzzed erratically from its place on the table. In bold letters read the name, Kurt. That was random. With a frown, she lifted it to her ear. "Hi, stranger. How goes it?"

Kurt let out an annoyed little shriek from the other line.

Alicia paused. "I understand that."

He sighed. She could distinctly hear what resembled a person smacking their head against the wall. Poor boy. Must involve more Blaine Anderson complications. "I understand that remaining at McKinley could have conceivably ended my life. But transferring to Dalton seems to have ended any opportunity of reasonable solos that I would ever have. I'm not quite certain which is worse."

"Death. Theoretically." When Kurt didn't respond, Alicia let out a soft laugh. "Come on, it can't be that bad."

"I literally want to stick Blaine's head in Pavarotti's cage." Pavarotti was the Warblers' adorable little mascot. According to recent texts, Kurt had been left in charge of the little fella. They'd already grown pretty close. Alicia was happy for him.

Just not right now. "That probably isn't the best way to a man's heart."

"Do you expect that I would take romance advice from you?" Kurt asked dryly.

Alicia gasped, slamming her palm down on the table. Several innocent college students looked towards her in mild horror. She ignored them. "Hey! I am perfectly competent in terms of relationships, thank you very much!"

"Ah, yes. That much is apparent. In completely unrelated news, I have heard Finn muttering insults about Jesse St. James approximately nineteen times in the past week. I assume this has absolutely nothing to do with that duet you two sang for the last glee assignment."

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