thirty-three ; silly love songs.

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"So I want to set up a kissing booth."

Before those words, Alicia was having a perfectly normal day. Several kids knocked into her in their haste for the first class of the morning. She fumbled to gather her scattered belongings when her book bag slipped off her shoulder. She and Artie stole more gum from Tina.

Then Finn Hudson had to spoil it all by exploding her mind.

Alicia blinked. "You're kidding, right? This is a joke, right?" When he shook his head, she blinked again. "What?! What if you catch-- I don't know, a mouth STD?"

"Wait, do those seriously exist?"

She ignored that. "Why would you possibly set up a kissing booth?" 

Maybe she should've known the answer before he said it. In her defense, that was the last thing she wanted to think about. That late night phone breakdown to Jesse St. James aside, Finn-and-Quinn was a topic she tried to avoid. When Finn mentioned her, Alicia would change the subject or find an excuse to leave. 

She'd gone through this last year. No point in enduring it again.

"I'm pretty sure it's the only way to get Quinn to kiss me." Noticing Alicia's dull expression, Finn added hastily, "A-And it's for a good cause! I'm going to donate all the money to the glee club's funding. So we have a way to New York when we win Regionals."

Suddenly, Alicia was rooting for the Warblers. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She made sure to keep her voice controlled. Students passed them from where they leaned against the lockers, paying no mind, but screaming might attract attention. "Quinn has a boyfriend. Sam. Her boyfriend is Sam, who is our friend."

"Her boyfriend's a boy."

Alicia pressed her lips together, inhaling deeply. It did not ease her frustration. "She's happy with her boyfriend." Untrue. Quinn wouldn't stare so much at Rachel if so. "You shouldn't intervene because you want to kiss her. You'll hurt both of them, but most of all, you'll hurt yourself."

Finn frowned. "Myself? What? No. I'm not gonna get hurt, Ali, it's just--"

"You are." Her voice was soft. Some might delight over the idea of Quinn breaking Finn's heart again. Alicia didn't. Upset as she was, she would never want him to get hurt. "Believe me. I have experience pining after a person who's dating someone else. It never ends well."

She didn't understand why she said that. Perhaps she hoped he might finally take the hint. She didn't know if he did; Finn stiffened, gaze downcast as he let out a huff. 

"That Jesse kid, right? You were into him while he was with Rachel."

Alicia blinked. Jesse hadn't been on her mind. Subconsciously, maybe, but it hadn't been like that between them. Jesse hadn't liked Alicia, Alicia hadn't liked Jesse. Of course not. "Why do you assume I'm always referring to Jesse?" 

Finn's frown deepened. "Then who--?"

"Look," Alicia interrupted. She wasn't telling him. Especially not now, in a crowded hallway, as they discussed his feelings for his ex-girlfriend. "I don't want you to get heartbroken again. You deserve better than that. And chasing after your ex, especially when she wants someone else, is asking for pain."

"It isn't. I know she wants me, too. I've just gotta get her away from Sam."

Alicia stared in disbelief.

Finn softened. "You don't have to worry about me, okay? This isn't some, like, end of the world situation. Crazier things have happened in glee club. Besides! No matter how it turns out, I'm gonna be lucky."

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