fifty-four ; santa, baby.

688 47 83

"So, how's Christmas shopping for Rachel?"

Quinn shot Alicia a particularly mortified look. "It's just as horrifying as you'd expect. I swear, she wants everything. And you cannot imagine how difficult it is to afford anything at all when you're underage and estranged from both of your parents. I asked Puck to sell one of his kidneys so I could get her the earrings she wants."

Alicia's eyes widened. "Did he?"

Quinn shrugged delicately. But she didn't answer the question. Instead, she dragged Alicia with more determination through the mall. This was the one place to be during the holidays, and it showed. There were more people shopping than Alicia had ever seen before. 

Frankly, she'd been relieved when Quinn texted her randomly asking for a Christmas shopping partner. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't figure out what to get Finn, and she was hoping that this shopping trip would create some inspiration. If not, at least she could still help her closest girl friend.

"So you and Sam have been spending a lot of time together," Quinn began. She sounded hesitant. Alicia glanced over, eyes innocently wide, but Quinn wouldn't meet her gaze. "And I fully agree with your disapproval of the holiday special. That's why I walked out today when Coach Sylvester reminded us about the homeless shelter performance."

Alicia nodded. She got the feeling this went deeper than the homeless shelter.

"I'm worried . . . I mean, you would never hurt Finn, would you?"

Alicia blinked in rapid succession. It took her much longer than it should have to fully process Quinn's inquiry. "Of course not. You-- you, of all people, know how I feel about him."

Quinn nodded, linking her hands behind her back. "Yes, of course I know. But Sam . . . he does have a certain intriguing golden retriever energy. If I was capable of being attracted to him, I probably would have been. He was certainly one of my sweeter pastimes last year. But it isn't worth giving up what you and Finn have for a fling, Alicia."

This took even longer for Alicia to understand. When she finally did, she halted mid-step, pulling Quinn to a stop beside her. She stared down the other blonde girl with confused eyes. "You can't possibly believe there's something going on between me and Sam."

Quinn started to look abashed. "You've spent so much time together since he moved back, I just assumed--"

Alicia shook her head. "No. No, it isn't like that. Sam's a good guy, but I'm not interested in him that way. It's only Finn for me." Finn, and possibly some confusing, lingering emotions from the past about a faraway individual. But mostly Finn. "Look, I--" Alicia cut off, glancing around before lowering her voice. "I've been doing him a favor. He likes someone else, and I offered to help him out."

At last, Quinn met Alicia's expectant stare. "You have?" Her lips curved into a delighted smile. "Is it Mercedes? I did hear about their summer fling, seemed like a bit of a drag, but I suppose--"

"It isn't Mercedes. And-- and please keep it between us, okay? Sam can't know I told you. Even Finn doesn't know anything about it."

"Does Kurt?"

Alicia couldn't stop herself; she blanched, even recoiling. It was enough of a reaction that it captured Quinn's fascination. Dread and guilt slowly overcame Alicia.

But Quinn seemed merely intrigued. She glanced around their surroundings, as well, before dropping her volume and leaning in closer to Alicia. Close enough that Alicia could smell her rose-scented Dior perfume and cherry blossom shampoo. Quinn always smelled like a field of flowers. "Oh my God. Is it Kurt?"

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