three ; le freak.

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Alicia didn't mean to eavesdrop.

Well, maybe she did.

It wasn't her fault that her locker was in the row across from Rachel Berry's. (Although, it did make staring dreamily at her for that few days she crushed on her an easy feat.) And, sure, maybe she did tune in a little when she heard Finn's voice, arguing with Quinn. Maybe she was wondering if they were finally going to split.

Not that she was rooting for that or anything.

Well, maybe she was.

"All right," Quinn said, her voice low in the bustle of students but sharp enough for Alicia to hear. "Let's compromise. If you quit the club, I'll let you touch my breast." 

"Under the shirt?" Finn asked. Alicia startled over the bluntness of their conversation, smacking her head on a shelf. This was why you shouldn't bury your face in your locker while eavesdropping. Teenage hormones would kill you every time.

"Over the bra."

There was a pause. Alicia's faith didn't waver, even as Finn paused long enough that he was obviously considering the offer. "No, no, I-I can't. I wanna do glee. I'm really happy when I'm performing." She could hear the smile in his voice, and it brought one to her own lips.

"People think you're gay now, Finn! And you know what that makes me? Your big, gay beard!"

"Look, I-I-I gotta go to class, okay? Just relax. Everything's gonna work out." Finn swung his backpack over his shoulder, leaving without a second glance. Part of his backpack brushed against Alicia's side as he passed, and she jumped, smacking the back of her head on the shelf again

She slowly pulled her face out of her locker, head tilted as she watched Finn. She considered going after him. They hadn't spoken much since their conversation at his locker, Alicia continuing to take her mother's advice even as it went against her own morals. But she had been doing a lot of thinking at night, and she didn't want to be that girl.

The one who listened to everyone else, but never herself.

"Eavesdrop, much?" 

Now, Alicia smacked her head against her locker door, startled as she assumed Quinn was speaking to her. She turned, but no, Quinn's attention was fixated on Rachel Berry, who was curling up to her own locker door like it was her best friend. The brunette turned, shutting her locker door as she and Quinn neared each other.

This already looked very, very gay.

"It's time for some girl talk, Man Hands. You can dance with him, you can sing with him, but you will never have him."

Rachel didn't seem bothered. "I understand why you'd be threatened. Finn and I have made a connection. But I am an honorable person." Quinn made a face, a cross between a smirk and a smile that also looked very, very gay. "I don't need to 'steal your man.' I have plenty of suitors of my own."

"Seems like one is in front of you right now," muttered Alicia.

"Every day glee status is going up," Rachel declared, walking backwards with a big smile. "And yours is going down. Deal with it."

The words were just barely out of her mouth when Noah Puckerman tossed a pale blue slushie in her face, shortly followed by another boy's matching slushie. The two praised each other, high-fiving as Quinn giggled from the lockers, covering her mouth. 

Alicia hadn't seen it coming, too preoccupied observing Rachel and Quinn's exchange. As she noticed Rachel's humiliated expression, guilt crept into her veins. She should have been paying more attention to their surroundings. She knew how much glee club was hated around here. Kurt was still getting thrown into dumpsters every morning by the same boys who had just slushied Rachel.

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