thirty-nine ; i've gotta be me.

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"Let's be honest. Your singing at Regionals was mediocre at best."

Alicia didn't miss the irritated glances the rest of glee club exchanged, though she kept her attention carefully trained on the outcast pacing throughout the group. Mr. Schuester had reluctantly placed Jesse in charge of "Booty Camp," which was an extra activity designed to improve the group's dancing. They had some skilled dancers already, like Mike, Santana, and Brittany, but they also had some severely uncoordinated members.

Her gaze briefly flickered towards Finn.

"Nationals are only a few weeks away, people! Vocal Adrenaline takes no prisoners. They are in twenty-four hour rehearsals while you lot are stuffing your faces with tater tots." Was Alicia imagining things, or did Jesse direct that at Mercedes? It didn't help that Rachel nodded in agreement. Mercedes glowered.

"So come on, get going, people!" Jesse clapped impatiently, a certain aura of judgment following every movement. "Vocal Adrenaline would eat all of you for breakfast. Hurry it up. Five, six, seven, eight!"


Alicia spun around just in time to see Rachel crash to the auditorium floor. She was gripping her nose, and a wave of dizziness overcame Alicia as she noticed the trickle of blood down the performer's face. The sight of blood had already made Alicia nauseous. It was why, despite her enthusiasm to help people, she had never considered pursuing medicine.

Finn was already at Rachel's side, sputtering out nervous apologies, but Quinn joined them quickly enough. She swatted Finn's hands away, eyes narrowed in concentration. "You're bleeding."

"I noticed." Rachel's voice was slightly gargled, and she let out a pitiful whine as she held on firmer to her askew nose.

"God, you're loud. No, back off," Quinn snapped. Finn recoiled, hurt flashing across his features. "I'll get her to a doctor. The rest of you, continue being pathetic, by all means. I'll take care of this."

No one protested as Quinn helped the shorter girl to her feet, making sure her posture was proper enough that her balance wouldn't waver. Even Rachel didn't object, which struck Alicia as strange. With one last accusatory glare towards Finn, Quinn led Rachel from the auditorium, their footsteps echoing eerily in the piercing silence.

Finn's eyes met Alicia's. There was an uncomfortable helplessness about him that she hardly recognized. With Finn taking on the responsibility of the glee club's leadership so long ago, it was rare to see him look so utterly out of place, even since Jesse's unexpected return. 

Speak of the devil.

"Well, as fascinating as that little interaction was," Jesse drawled, "nothing has changed, people! Remember why we're here? Vocal Adrenaline, twenty-four hour rehearsals, tater tots? Five, six-- oh, I almost forgot. Not you, Hudson."

Finn faltered. Again. "What? Why not?"

Jesse smiled. It was tight, one of those patronizing smiles that Alicia had never really liked. She'd always interpreted it as a facade, but that didn't lessen how much it frustrated her. "Aside from the fact that your poor dancing literally burns my corneas, you're a hazard to those around you. Especially those . . . significantly smaller than you." For the first time all afternoon, his gaze settled on Alicia.

Naturally, she stuck her tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes. "I loathe to break it to you, but there's really no conceivable explanation for how you're the frontrunner of this group. Admittedly, any incarnation of Vocal Adrenaline is much better than any of you, but especially you, Finn. Let's face it: you can't sing, you can't dance, and Brittany probably scores higher on her tests than you do."

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