eight ; keep holding on.

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"I don't want Quinn to give the baby up for adoption."

Alicia paused. She pulled her phone away from her ear. She stared at it. Blinked. She continued staring. Eventually, she regained her ability to speak. "You want to keep her?"

There was sound of rustling on the other side of the line. Blankets, she assumed. It was nearing eleven p.m., and though their conversations had lasted longer before, it had been a long day. Finn and Quinn had their first OB/GYN appointment today, which Mr. Schue escorted them to.

It was a girl.

She wasn't sure why that filled her with equal amounts of happiness and sadness.

"I-I mean, yeah, of course I do. I never really knew my dad, I was too young when he died, and I don't want this kid growing up with questions about me or Quinn and stuff. Like, what if she thinks we abandoned her because we didn't want her? That wouldn't be true. Because I do want her." 

Alicia curled up in bed. Her pale pink Supergirl pajamas contrasted against her blue duvet, which she didn't mind. She'd always liked color. "How does Quinn feel about that?"

Two cats came barreling into her room at once. She yelped when the ginger tabby, Clary, nearly knocked her over. The grey cat, Diana, who was considerably smaller but just as fluffy, nearly succeeded. But only nearly. Instead, they both knocked into Alicia, causing her to drop her phone into her lap as she nestled up on either side of her.

Ah, yes. Her personal heating pillows. Extra fluffy edition.

"Sorry about that," she gasped after getting a better grip on her phone. 

"Whoa. Did someone try to murder you?"

"Only my cats." They were always affectionate towards Alicia. Diana, who was no more than a tiny clump of messy grey fluff, loved everyone. Clary, with her wider frame and sharper claws, had the tendency to snap at strangers. Or Alicia's mom. Or Mariana. Basically, anyone who wasn't Alicia.

There was a nervous humming from Finn. "Right. Well, uh, to answer your question -- I don't think Quinn thinks it's any of my business. She wanted me there for the appointment and stuff, but I'm pretty sure that was mostly 'cause she was afraid to ask Mr. Schue for a ride herself."

"Why would she--?"

"She's really close to Coach Sylvester, and with this whole co-heads thing, you know. Awkward."

Alicia knew that Mr. Schuester would have taken Quinn to the appointment even if she was Coach Sylvester's doctor, if she only asked. She didn't say that. Instead, she exhaled. "Well, this is happening to you, too, Finn. You're the little baby's daddy. And I-I understand not wanting her to think you abandoned her." A beat passed. "No child should think that about their father."

"Exactly!" Despite her increasingly somber mood, Finn's enthusiasm brought a faint smile to her face. He was so enthusiastic over someone agreeing with him. She figured that hadn't occurred often lately. "It could really mess the kid up and stuff. So-- So I wanna talk to Quinn. But I dunno how to get her to take me seriously."

Alicia bit her lip. "Tell her what you told me. Or do something sentimental over the baby! Brainstorming name ideas could work."

"Yeah, we could name her Alicia," he laughed.

The inexplicable mixed feelings overcame her again. She'd never felt anything like it before. "Oh, no, don't torture the poor child like that. Think of something unique! Something you think is as special as your little girl."

Finn let out a breath. "It's still really weird to hear stuff like that. Your baby. Your little girl."

Melancholy conquered happiness. "You're going to be a wonderful father, Finn."

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