twenty ; bad romance.

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* shown above: alicia's outfit inspiration. for anyone curious, it's one of the many looks from lady gaga's ' paparazzi ' video (and my personal favorite).

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Alicia was proud of herself for not accidentally stepping on the flourishing train of her bodysuit, therefore sending herself flying through the halls of McKinley. All potential for humiliation aside, things were going well. Even though she had to hold onto Kurt and Tina to keep herself from tripping in her black heels.

Right. Background information? Lady Gaga Week in glee club (much to the disdain of all the boys, save for Kurt), all because of a little spying Alicia, Rachel, Quinn, and Mercedes did on Vocal Adrenaline. 

Oh, and apparently their coach, Shelby Corcoran, was Rachel's mom. 

Yep. The same one Will made out with.

Um . . . that's what you missed on glee?

"This outfit is so cute," Alicia said excitedly, brushing down some of the poofy parts before they could hit passerby. They were receiving strange looks from their peers, but that wasn't new. "I love it. And Kurt, you were right, changing the white to Dior grey was so smart. I really feel like I've made this my own."

Kurt beamed. "Well, I can't help but be an expert at all things Gaga and fashion."

"I love wearing champagne bubbles!" Tina exclaimed. Alicia tried to smile to show she was listening, despite focus on not falling. "Even though I'm painfully shy and obsessed with death, I'm a very effervescent person."

Hell hath no fury.

Karofsky and Azimio appeared from nowhere, shoving Alicia, Kurt, and Tina into the lockers. Alicia gasped, reaching out to steady Tina and Kurt rather than herself. Her back smacked against locker doors, and while it stung, they were more important.

"Excuse me!" Kurt shouted, straightening up. "Were you dropped on your heads?"

Oh, dear.

"What was that?" Karofsky asked.

"I think you heard me."

The two burly football players approached them. Alicia and Tina exchanged a nervous look as Kurt seemed to realize the danger. Everyone was looking for reasons to attack glee clubbers. "I'm just saying. Pick on me, that's fine. But don't throw around girls."

"Lately we haven't been able to tell the difference. We're not gaga for Gaga," Azimio snapped.

"You dress all freaky and then you rub it in everybody's faces. I don't wanna look at it all day. It's weird. Makes my eyes tired," Karofsky added.

"You wanna switch it up a bit, just go from GAP to Banana Republic."

Alicia was fuming. As if they knew anything. She was more than certain their only relevance in this school was throwing balls at each other to make up for their personal lack of them.

"It's called being theatrical," Kurt said sharply. "We're showing off who we are. It's the same thing you do when you go to school with your football uniforms on. You're expressing yourself, and we have every right to do the same."

She weighed the pros and cons of mentioning that the only decent football player was Finn. And Noah, on occasion. She hadn't forgiven him for lying to Finn or sleeping with Quinn but he was a better person than the stereotypical jocks.

Kurt swapped quips with the walking sacks of ignorance before they departed. Alicia pushed herself off the lockers, regaining balance before squeezing Kurt's and Tina's hands. "Don't listen to them," she said. "I know that's easier said than done, but they're just . . . they don't understand anything. Even their comebacks are awful, I mean, really. What did that part about Supercuts loving walk-ins even mean?"

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