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We were in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come out. I was next to Andres crying while Kevin was pacing back and forth.

"He's going to be okay" Andres said. "I hope so too. I can't lose my baby. I can't" I cried. "Parents of Mateo Alvarez?" The doctor says and I ran up to him.

"How's my son?!" I asked. "He's not doing so well, his lungs are failing" he said and I cried even more. "No, no, please tell me he's going to be okay" I said. "I can't promise you anything, but we are trying our best to save him" he says.

"YOU HAVE TO SAVE HIM, YOU HAVE TOO. I CANT LOSE MY BABY, I CANT" I shout. "Elena, calm down" Andres tried calming me down. "How can I stay calm, when my baby is back there fighting for his life!" I yelled at him.

"Like I said, we will try our best to save him" he said walking away. "Jesus please save my son. Please don't take him away from me. Lord, I'm begging you, please save my son. I need him lord" I cried, and Andres wrapped his arms around me.

"He's going to be okay, have faith my love" Andres said. "Andres, I can't lose him, I can't" i said. "You won't, I promise. Mateos strong, and you need to be strong for him" he said as his eyes got watery.

"Okay..." I whispered. We sat down and he was hugging me the whole time.



I was in tears, listening to Elena cry. "Kevin, are you okay?" My mom asks me. "No, I'm not okay. Mom, do you think Mateo's gonna die?" I whispered. "No, he's going to be okay, have faith Kevin" she says.

I got up and I went up to the nurse. "Excuse me, do guys have a prayer room?" I asked. "Yes, its in the second floor" she said. "Thank you" I said.

I got in the elevator and I went to the second floor. Once I saw the prayer room, I walked inside. Good thing no one was there. I sat in the chair and I looked at the cross.

"I know I haven't been a good person, I've been the greatest asshole! You made me suffer, you made my family suffer, why do you want to see me suffer even more! You took my dad from me, don't you dare take my son from me, you hear me! Don't you take my son. DONT YOU TAKE MY SON! I promise I'll change, I'll be a better father..I'll be a better person! I'll do anything, just save my son! Please...I don't wanna lose him. I love him so much" I cried.

I kicked the chairs while yelling. I was going crazy.

20 minutes later, I left the room and I decided to go see Mateo. I opened the door and I saw him in a hospital crib. He had so many cables on him and I went up to him.

"I'm sorry Mateo. I'm so sorry, I promise I'll be a better dad. Keep fighting baby boy, you have to fight hard so when you get out of the hospital, we can watch soccer together" I took his little hand.

"Daddy's isn't going anywhere. Ima be here to protect and take care of you....daddy promises you" I said.

I took off my shoe and I took off my ankle bracelet. "I know it fits you big, but I'll get you a smaller one when we get out of here" I said, while putting it on his little ankle.

"Keep fighting my little Tuzo" I kissed his Ankle before leaving the room. I went back to the waiting room and I only saw Elena. She looked so tired.

I went up to her and I sat beside her. "You should get some sleep, I'll stay here" I said. "I don't wanna leave the hospital, not without my baby" she whispered.

"Elena, im sorry for everything, i really am" I said while taking her hand. She smiled and she laid her head on my shoulder.

I'd give it all up || Kevin Alvarez Where stories live. Discover now