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It's been two weeks since Andres proposed to me and I haven't told Kevin. I've been really distant from everyone.

I've been trying to find a way to tell Kevin about the proposal but Idk how to tell him. Nobody knows but my mom.

"Mom, I don't know what to do" I said. "Do you wanna marry Andres?" She says. "No, I don't" I said. "Then why didn't you tell him!" She said.

"Because I didn't wanna hurt him mom" I said.
"Well he's gonna be hurt regardless, but he's gonna be even more hurt that you took this long to tell him that you don't wanna marry him" she says.

"What am I supposed to tell him, that I don't love him, that im in love with Kevin!" I say.

Did I just say that I love Kevin?!

"Elena, listen to me, I understand that you don't wanna hurt Andres, but you need to tell him!" She said getting mad.

"Idk why you're getting mad, I'm over here stressing out!" I said raising my voice. "Well it's your damn fault! You're the one who put yourself in this position!" She said.

"Because I didn't know what to tell him mom!" I yelled. "No, the answer was no! That's what you should've told him! Not only you're lying to him but you're lying to Kevin too!" She yelled back.

"You know what mom, I'm leaving. I don't got time for this" I said grabbing my stuff. "Not only you're hurting Andres heart, your hurting Kevin too" she said and I walked out.

I decided to go to the park, for a little bit. What should I do! How do I tell Andres no? How am I going to tell Kevin about this!

I'm scared what's going to happen. I don't wanna lose Kevin. I don't wanna hurt Andres. Thinking about this whole situation gave me a headache.

I opened my bag and I tried looking for the box. I started panicking cuz I couldn't find it. Shit.

I got up, got in my car and I drove home.


I was in the bed looking at Mateo sleep. He's so precious. I got up and I tried looking for my charger. I opened my drawer and it wasn't there.

"Where is it?" I said.

I opened Elena Drawer and something caught my eye. A box. I wonder what it is.

I grabbed it and I opened it. My heart stopped when I saw it. No fucking way. It can't be! It can't be a fucking proposal ring.

It fucking can't be. I heard the door close and I quickly sat beside Mateo. "Hey" Elena said while putting her bag down. "Hey" I said. She ran to the closet and she started searching.

She ran back to her side of the bed and she started searching her drawer. I got up and I stared at her. "Looking for this" I said opening the box.

Elena slowly got up and she stared at me. She didn't say anything. "Why didn't you tell me!" I said and she looked away. "Say something!" I yelled. "What do you want me to say!" She says.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I say. "I tried, but I didn't know how to tell you!" She says. "No wonder why you were acting so weird. You fucking lied to me" I say.

"You don't know how hard this is for me" she says. "I thought you didn't love him!" I yelled and Mateo started crying.

"I don't!" She says. "Then why didn't you say no to him?!" I said. "Because I don't wanna hurt him!" I said.

"He's a grown ass Man, he'll get over it" I said. She went over to Mateo and she picked him up.

"I thought you wanted to be with me" I said. "I do Kevin. I fucking do, but I just don't know how to tell Andres" she said and I shook my head.

"How long have you kept this from me?" I said.
"For 2 weeks" she says and I just laughed.
"2 weeks! You kept this from me for 2 fucking weeks!" I yelled.

"Like I said I tried to tell you, but I didn't know how!" She yelled back. "Leave my house" I said.
"What?" She said. "You heard me, leave my house. Go live with your fucking fiancé" I said.

I threw the box on the bed as I had tears in my eyes. "Are you being serious?" She said. "I'm being fucking serious, now leave" I said pointing at the door.

"Fine, I'll leave" she said, grabbing her purse. She started walking towards the door but I blocked her way. "Your leaving my house, but without my son" I said. "Fuck no! I'm taking him with me!" She says.

"Give me my son" I said taking him from her. "Give me my son back!" She says. "Your not leaving my house with him!" I said. "Give him to me!" She said.

"I said no! Now leave!" I said. "Fine. He can stay with you, but I'll get him soon" she said. She opened the door and she left.

I looked at Mateo who was crying and I broke down.

I'd give it all up || Kevin Alvarez Where stories live. Discover now