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It's been a whole Year since my fight with Kevin. He doesn't talk to me, the only time he does is about Mateo.

I heard he's been going out with some girl. It hurts but I'm glad that he has found someone who makes him happy. I know I messed up and I regret everything I did to hurt him.

I wish I could go back and fix everything but I think it's too late. I also told Andres everything, and I haven't heard from him.

I've been staying with my mom and she's been really helpful. I got a job as a secretary and I love it. Everything is going so well in my life, that for the first time in my life I'm happy for myself.

What makes it even better is that I have my son with me. He has helped me so much. He turned one 2 months ago and let me tell you, he has grown a lot.

It makes me sad but he's such a sweet little boy.

"Alright mom, I'm going to work, Kevin is coming to pick Mateo up at 6pm" I say. "Okay, have a good day at work" she says.

I got in my car and I drove to work. Once I arrived, I sat at my desk and I got my day started. An hour later my boss walks in.

"Good morning Elena" he says as he takes my hand and kisses it. "Good morning Mr. Reyes" I say. "I already told you call me Ben, but How are you?" He says. "I'm good, how's your morning going so far?" I say.

"It's okay, do I have any meetings today?" He asks. "Yes, at 10am" I say. "Okay, thank you" he says. "Do you want me to make you a coffee, sir?" I say. "Please" he said as he goes in his office.

For the past month, he has been really flirty with me. He's an attractive man, but I'm not ready to be in a relationship.

"He's your coffee" I said placing it on the table.
"Thank you" he says. "Is there anything else I could do for you?" I say.

"Actually yes, let me take you out for dinner tonight" he says. "Uhhh, I can't" I say. "Why is that?" He says. "I have things to do" I say.
"Doesn't your son stay with his dad tonight?" He says.

"Yes, but I have a lot of work that I have to get done" I say. "Fine, how about we go out tmr and I'm not taking no as an answer" he says. "Umm, okay, but just for an hour, cuz I have my son tmr" I say.

"That's fine" he says. "Ima get back to work" I said leaving his office. I sat on the chair and Jamie came up to me. "I heard everything, you're a lucky girl" she says.

"I don't even like him" I say. "But he likes you and he's fucking rich" she says. "Idc about the money" I say.

"Make sure to dress sexy" she says. "He's not into you" Nicole says. "Have you seen how he looks at her" Jamie says. "Well he's blind cuz all I see is skank" she says.

"Listen blondie, you just mad that he doesn't notice you" I say. "Soon he will, cuz look at me, I'm fucking gorgeous" she says.

"Jamie go back to your desk" Ben said and She quickly left. "Where are my copies I asked for?" He looks at Nicole. "Sorry, I forgot, but I'll get them printed out as soon as possible" she says.

"What are you waiting for? Go get my copies...and stop bothering Elena" he said and She quickly went to go print the papers.

"If she bothers you again let me know" he said walking back to his office.

I went to go pick up Mateo from Elena moms house. "Kevin, come on in" she said. "Thanks, how are you?" I asked. "I'm good, how are you?" She asks.

"I'm good, where's Mateo?" I said. "He's in the living room" she said. I walked into the living room and I saw him watching Mickey Mouse.

Once he saw me, he ran up to me. "Dada" he says. "Wassup baby boy" I said kissing him.
"Wheres Elena?" I asked. "Work" she says.

"Ah, okay, I'll bring him back tmr morning" I said. "Okay, bye mateo" she said kissing his cheek. "Alright, see you tmr" I said leaving the house.

I put Mateo in his car seat and I drove to my new house I bought. "Alright, come on buddy, we're home" I said picking him up.

"Home!" he said pointing at the house. "Yes bud, we are home" I said. I unlocked the door and I placed him down. He ran to his play room and I watched him play with his toys.

"Dada Batman" he said showing me his toy. "That's so cool buddy" I said. "Dada sit" he said patting the ground. I sat next to him and I played with him.

We played for a good hour when he started getting tired. "Let's shower you before you go to bed" I said picking him up.

I heard the doorbell go off and I went to open it.
"Hey babe" My girlfriend Fatima said. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I said letting her in.

"I thought we were going out for dinner tonight?" She said. "Oh shit, I forgot babe. I'm sorry, I forgot I had Mateo tonight but I promise I'll take you out tmr for sure" I said.

"It's okay, we can order a pizza and watch a movie" she says. "Sounds perfect" i said.
"Alright I'll Order the food" she said going on her phone.

"Okay, ima shower Mateo and put him to sleep" I said. "Alright babe" she said kissing my cheek.
I went upstairs to my room and I turned the bath on and I grabbed his bath toys.

I placed him in the bathtub. I washed his body and his hair. We played for a little bit and we started splashing each other.

"Kevin, pizzas here" Fatima says. "Okay" I said, and she walks in the bathroom. "Omg, look at this mess?!" She says. "It's just water" I said.

"Okay please stop splashing each other, there is a lot of water everywhere" she said stressing out.
"Calm down babe, I'll clean it up once I'm done showering him" I said.

"You guys been here for 15 minutes, I think it's time to get out" she says. "No, no, no" Mateo says. "5 more minutes" I said. "Kevin" she says.

"Okay, fine" I said, and she walks out. "Alright buddy, time to get out" I said. "No" he says.
"I'm sorry, but it's time for your bedtime" I said picking him up.

I wrapped him up with his towel and I took him to his room. I put his diaper on and I put some baby lotion on. "Do you wanna wear your Batman or Mickey Mouse pjs?" I asked him.

"Batman" he says. "Batman it is" I said putting it on him. "Babe, can you warm up his milk, please" I yell. "Okay!" She says.

A Few minutes later she walks in with his bottle.
"Thank you" i said. "Hurry, Cuz the pizza is getting cold" she said leaving the room.

I laid him in his crib and I kissed his forehead.
"Alright Goodnight Mateo" I said. "No!!" He said.
"Do you want me to read you a book?" I said and he nods. I picked him up and I grabbed one of the books on his bookshelf.

"Five little monkeys jumping on the bed" I said reading the title while sitting on the chair. 

I read the book and he was laughing the whole time. I put the book down and I started to rock him to sleep.

This little boy is so perfect. I love him so much.
10 minutes later he finally went to sleep. I gently placed him in his crib and I kissed his cheek.

"I love you" I whispered. I slowly closed his door and I went downstairs. I saw Fatima sleeping on the couch and I sighed.

I went up to her and I picked her up. I walked to my room and I placed her on the bed. I kissed her forehead and I went to sleep.

I'd give it all up || Kevin Alvarez Where stories live. Discover now