Grocery Shopping: Phil Lester

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"Oooh let's get some eggnog!" Phil says, skipping over to the milk section. He puts three cartons in the buggy.

"Do you really need that many, Phil?"

He smiles at you. "Of course! You know I've been addicted ever since I tried it at Starbucks!" 

You laugh. "Fine! But we are getting some Nutella so we can bake it into our Christmas cookies later."

Phil pulls two containers from the shelf. He turns around and walks toward the candy aisle. You roll your eyes.

"Phil! Don't you think we have enough sweets?" 

He looks over his shoulder at you and yells, "If we don't get Dan some Malteasers, he's going to disintegrate us!"

You laugh and he throws the bag into the cart. You pay for the food and you push the buggy outside. Phil turns towards you.

"Let me push. You stand on the edge."

You stare at him. "I'm not a kid, Phil. I don;t ride grocery carts anymore."

He giggles. "Fine. You're a princess and I'm a throne holder."

You smile and get on, laughing as Phil pushes you to the car.

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