Just a Little Skin: Dan Howell

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"Man it is so freaking hot in here."

You throw your clothes off and climb into bed, complaining out loud to yourself. It was nearly 90 degrees in the house and you were starting to drown in sweat. You lay flat out on your bed, letting the breeze in the air caress your skin.

"Now this feels nice."

As you slowly start to drift off you hear faint footsteps coming down the hallway. Thinking nothing of it you fluff your pillow under your head. The door swiftly pops open and Dan walks into the room and turns on the light. You try to cover yourself with a blanket quickly while Dan stares down at you, eyes huge and round.

"Oh my god y/n I'm sorry. I thought it was my room an-"

"Danplease just leave and we'll pretend like this has never happened."

He nods and ducks out of the room, only to stick his head back out a second later.

"You look nice though."

You throw your pillow at him.


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