Book of New Beginnings: Dan Howell

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You walk around the bookstore, scanning every bind you see. You were looking for City of Bones, the first book to the Mortal Instruments. It was a great series and you have read them all but the first book you had fell in a rain puddle last week and ruined it. 

You finally catch sight of it and you reach forward. Right as your fingers touched the binding, you brushed someone elses hand. They were reaching for the same book.

“Sorry. Is this the last copy?”

You look up to see gorgeous brown eyes with a set of amazing dimples.

“Umm I think so.” You check behind the book and noticed that there wasnt any copies behind it.

Your shoulders sag. He puts his had on your shoulder.

“Hey, its okay. You can have it. I’ll just go somewhere else to get mine.”

You frown. “No no its okay. I’ll just wait til they get more copies.”

He waves his hands. “No no I insist.”

You frown and shove the book into his hands. “No. Take it. Im okay.”

You stares at you and sighs. He takes the book up to the front desk and pulls out his wallet.

You frown but you try to hide your disappointment. You open the door and start walking down the street. You sigh to yourself.

A hand is placed on your shoulder and you turn around prepared to slap the shit out of somebody.

It was the guy with the gorgeous eyes.

“Here. This is for you.” He holds out a plastic bag.

“But I cant take that.”

He presses it into your hand. “Take it.”

He walks away backwards, smiling at you before turning around to face the opposite direction.

You smile and walk towards your home.

You go to your bedroom and you pull the book out of its content.

As soon as you open it to the beginning, you see something was written.

“Girl with the beautiful (your color) eyes,

I didnt know whether I would be seeing you again or if this was my only chance so I just wanted to say that I thought you were intriguing. And I want to get to know you more.

*his number*


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