You Hate Me, I hate Me Too: Dan Howell

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You walk through the crowds of people, making your way to your lunch table of one. You sit down and set you food in front of you. Although the trash around your feet is ruining your appetite.

You sigh and take a bite of your burger.

"Awww I thought farm animals weren't allowed to eat human food."

You look up to see Dan Howell and his jock headed football friends.

"What do you want?"

Dan smiles. "Well the obvious. Not to have to look at you while I'm trying to digest my food."

You pick up your tray and walk over to the trash can to dump it.

"Be careful being seen in the halls the petting zoo is still looking for you!"

You run out the door and into the nearest bathroom. You stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself.

"Why can't you be pretty......"

You reach into your back pocket and pull out and a folded up napkin. You slowly unwrap it.

"Hi little guy. You're my only friend....."

The razor shone back at you.

You heard footsteps approach the bathroom and quickly fold it back up and you shove it in your pocket.

The door opens and you brush by the person that entered.

Finally school is out and you walk out the doors. Everyone is either getting on a bus or driving home. You look away and start walking down the street.

Dans voice starts to echo through your mind. He's always been like this. Ever since grade school. But the weird thing is is that your mothers are best friends.

You close my eyes for a brief second and accidentally stumbled into someone.

"Hey! Why don't you fucking watch it!"

You open your eyes at the sound of Dans voice. "I'm s...s....sorry."

Dan was staring at his broken phone that fell out of his hand as soon as you bumped into him.

"You broke my phone!" He says, while pushing you to the ground. "What the fuck is wrong with you, freak?"

You can feel yourself starting to cry. You wipe at your eye.

Dan snatches your arm and your sleeve brushes down.

"You're a fucking tos----"

He stops talking and stares at your wrist. His grip lightens and his eyes grow sad.

"Did I cause you to do this......"

He trails off and brushes his finger across the cuts.

"I didn't mean...."

You yank your arm away and turn to leave. "It's fine."

He grabs your hand.

"I've always liked you."

You turn to him in tears. "Then why do you do what you do?"

He grimaces. "To protect myself. But while I was protecting myself, I was destroying you."


He bites his lip. "When I first met you, we were so little. I had fell for you that day. And you know how kids are. But as I got older, I started to care for you more. I guess......I'm just afraid to fall in love. But I kinda already did."

You look down.

Dan pulls you into a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It went too far."

You look up at him. "It's ok I think."

He stares at you and leans his head down, placing his lips gently on yours.

"Can we start over?"

You smile. "Yes."

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