KicktheStickz: Chris Kendall and Pj Ligouri

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"So what are we making for dinner?" Pj said right as he walked through Chris's door. 

"You stared at him. "Peanut butter sandwiches."

Pj looked over at you. "Really? No Pizza or Chinese?"

You laugh. "No."

Chris walks into the room and bends down to kiss your cheek. You have been dating Chris for two years now and were already engaged. You blush.

"We were going to make pizza bread but we got sidetracked."

Pj smiled and looked at Chris. Chris laughed. "No, we were actually watching X Factor."

Peej nods and you all make your pb&j's. Pj sat down next to Chris and bit into his sandwich.

"Mmmm wow I havent had this in forever. I've forgotten how good peanut butter tastes. I could just kiss someone right now."

Chris laughs and says seductively, "Well I have lips Mr. Peej."

Pj smiles and leans in, pretending like he was going to kiss Chris.

You sigh. "I am worried about the both of you. Please tell me I am not going to have to share my fiance'?"

Pj stares at you. "I was here first woman."

You give him a look and he laughs. "I'm just kidding. I would never want Chris in any sexual or romantic way."

Chris turns to look at him. "That's not what you said last night when you were screaming my name."

You cover your face. "OH GOD."

Chris and Pj laugh and high five each other. "We love messing with you."

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