Away and Away University: Dan Howell

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I remove myself from my Calculus textbook long enough to read the recent text sent to my phone.

Dan: Are you busy?

Just doing Cal homework. Why what's up?

Dan: Haven't heard from you in a while so I thought I might video chat you.

Ohhh well sure. Just give me a sec to clean up all of my school work and I'll call you.

Dan: K. Don't forget. :)

I put my cell down and started gathering up all of my school work. After I place my papers and books neatly into a pile, I open my laptop and log in to Skype.

"Ah Danisnotonfire. Found ya."

I press the camcorder and wait while it rings. Dan picks up on the second ring, smiling brightly on screen.

"Hey! How's University going for you?" Dan smirks and swivels in his chair.

"It's going. The professors are nice but they're also pretty rough. I have a 15 page paper due Monday for Government."

Dan cringes. "That's harsh. For once I'm actually happy that I didn't force myself to suffer through university as long as you have."

I laughed. "That's because you gave up."

"Hey. I'm still making something of myself."

I smile. "You are and I'm proud."

Dan and I grow quiet for a minute. I can see Dan twiddling his fingers and biting his lips.

After a minute he pats his leg softly and says "So...when do you think you're coming back to the UK?"

I scratch my ear. "Ummm I think after this semester I'll have a year left."

Dan lowers his gaze. "Oh."

"Dan, I-"

"Hey a year isn't that long. You'll be home in no time."

I smile. "Yeah. Then I'll be able to suffer through your horrible puns again."

Dan starts to spin in his chair again. "Hey you love my puns."

"They're terrible."

Dan finishes his chair spin and pouts.

I laugh and put my hand under my chin. "I can't wait to come home."

Dan grins and leans into the camera. "I don't know how I'll get through another year. I miss you, y/n."

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