Pretty Little Secrets: Dan Howell

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"Bye y/n I'm leaving!"

Dan opens the front door and you run out of your bedroom.

"Wait where are you going? It's date night remember?"

Dan squints his eyes. "Oh that's right. I'm sorry. But there's a fan meeting I have to go to tonight. Maybe tomorrow?"

You look towards the ground. "Okay."

Dan brushes your lips with his fingers.  "Do you want to come with me?"

You sigh. "And have people talk shit about me? About you? About us? I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

Dan sits down and pulls you into his chest. "It'll be fine. I'm ready for this. My fanbase needs to know. I can't hide my sexuality forever."

You bite your nail. "Okay. But promise you won't leave me alone."

"I promise."

An hour later you pull up at yhe meeting and see loads of screaming fans outside.

"Take my hand."

Dan holds his hand out and you grab it, stepping out of the vehicle together.

Whispers start flowing anf you catch on to quite a few of them.

"Is that a boy?"

"Are they holding hands?"

"No wayyyy."

"Oh my god oh wow."

"That is the cutest I am going to die."

"He's not Phil but he'll do."

You smile and Dan looks at you. He brings you to the tiny stage in the center and everyone quiets down once he grabs the microphone.

"Hi I'm Dan. But you already know me."

He looks at you and then down at your conjoined hands.

"This is y/n. He's been my boyfriend for three years now. I've been meaning to tell you but I always get too nervous. I'm sorry I lied and told you I wasn't into men."

The crowd starts laughing and in unison they yelled, "We knew!"

Dan laughs.  "I'm glad you guys understand. Because I love him."

At that moment he leans forward and kisses you. The crowd cheers and you blush.

You whisper in Dan's ear. "I love you too."

So I was asked to start doing some gender neutral imagines. It's kinda hard to write but I will write anything for you guys. No matter how hard. So here's the first one. I hope you enjoyed it! <3

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