Cheater, Cheater: Phil Lester

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It was after taking one of your college classes that you decided you needed caffeine in you. So, you went to Starbucks. You walk up to the counter and ask for a caramel mocha latte. After you get your drink, you walk over to the table you use every time you come here. But before you sit down, you noticed that your friend Phil was there. “Phil? What are you doing here, dude? I thought you had classes?” He turns towards you but doesnt look you in the eyes. “I skipped them for today.” he says. You can tell his voice was breaking, like he was straining to speak. You quickly sit your coffee down and scoot in beside him. “Whats wrong?” He turns to look at you. “Uhh…Dana dumped me.” No way, you thought. They have been dating for two years now. “But why?” Phil looked away as a tear rolled down his cheek. “Because she was seeing someone else…” You gasp. What? How could she do that? I mean, look at him! Hes the sweetest and most cutest and caring human being ever! Phil looks back at you. “You havent heard the worst yet.” Your eyes widen, waiting to hear what Phil is about to say. “She left me for that Thomas guy in our math class.” Your jaw drops. “HIM?! But he’s like a criminal!” Phil nods. “I know. Thats what makes it worse.” You and him grow silent for a second. Then Phil suddenly says, “Is that why Im always getting dumped? Because im not like those other guys?” You look at him, seeing him as you always did, and in a way telling him how you always felt. “Yes, you’re not like those other guys. But thats a good thing. Because only crazy girls would want a guy who wouldnt treat them right.” Phil turns away with a disgusted look on his face, while another tear gently rolls down his cheek. “Yeah? Like who?” You look down at your hands, unfolding and folding them in your lap. “Me.” You feel Phil’s eyes suddenly snap towards you. “What?” he whispers so low that it was barely audible. You finally got the courage and looked up at him. “Like me.” Phil studies your face, and then leans in to kiss your cheek. “Well, why didnt you ever tell me that you felt that way?” You started biting your lip. “Because I was afraid that you wouldn’t listen and would wanna be just friends.” Phil laughs. “Are you joking? Before I met Dana, I was hoping you would like me. Because I have always wanted to ask you out.” You gaped at him. “Really?” Phil nodded. “Of course. And now that you told me my day has gotten so much better. But my life would be better if you agreed to date me.” You smile, punching him lightly in the arm. “Of course I would silly.” Phil laughs and leans down to kiss the corner of your mouth. “I dont want to kiss you fully right now.” He says. “Because I want to be able to experience that on our first date.”

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