Meet the Parents: Dan Howell

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"I don't know what to say." Dan whispered to you.

You were on the doorstep of your parents house and it was his first time meeting your family. You smile at him.

"Lighten up. You'll be fine."

Dan groans loudly to himself. "I am the biggest idiot in the entire universe. I am going to screw this up and I know it."

You poke your lips out. "Awww Dan. It'll be ok I promise." 

He crosses his arms and you stand on your tiptoes to lean in and kiss him. 

"Smile for me?" You pout. 

Dan tries to look mad but he ends up smiling anyways. "Fine. Be happy I can't resist that face."

You laugh and unlock the door. "I'm home!"

Your parents greet you and hug Dan. His eyes widen as they tell him how glad they are that you are dating him.

"So you're a youtuber?" Your dad asks. 

Dan looks at him. "Yeah. I mean, asdfghjgfdghg."

Your dad smiles. "Sounds like a great job. Welcome to the family." He pats Dan on the back and leans in to whisper, "But if you hurt her, I will kill you."

Your dad laughs and walks away. Dan stares at you and whispers, "Did he mean that?"

You wink at him. "I  wouldn't want to find out."

He laughs and kisses you. "Wouldn't ever need to."

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