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Hi guys!!! Sorry for the long vacation. I had started college and it had gotten to stressful to write so I lost my will to write for a while. But, I'm going to try to keep things lively from now on.

So, I read every single comment and commented back on quite a few of them so I want to say thank you for supporting me and my writing. I'm not only here for fun, but I'm also here to entertain you guys. So if you're having a bad day, I hope I'm someone you think of :) 

I also want to say that if you dont get on wattpad often, I also have a tumblr. I put my imagines on here and tumblr for people to read. My tumblr is thewaydansmiless. 

If I don't post many PJ imagines, I'm sorry. I've never gotten too big into Pj. But I still try to write it. So if it doesn't come out perfect, I apologize.

Also, one last thing. I've seen a lot of you send me imagine requests but It's hard to write with a topic. When I write my stories, I first look for a gif and when I find a really good one that is worthy of I story, I take that gif and create the imagine with it.

So, if you have an imagine request, I would much rather you find your favorite gif and send me the link. That way it will come out much better.

Thank you guys!! And stay happy and healthy!!! <3

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