Stay With Me: Chris Kendall

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"Chris you have two seconds to get that thing out of my face."

"What? It's just my new pet spider. It's not going to harm you, Y/n."

I smack at his arm wildly. "Please. I'm begging you."

Chris grins and sighs. "Okay, okay. I'll put Mr. LongLegs back."

Chris pulls the lid from the spider's aquarium and slides Mr. LongLegs inside. I wince as the spider crawls down the side and onto a rock.

"Why did you get that thing?"

Chris shrugs. "I guess I just wanted one. It gets a little lonely being here by myself sometimes."

I wrap my arms around myself and stare at Chris. "How are you feeling?"

He rubs his forehead. "What do you mean? I'm fine."

"I know how you get sometimes, Chris."

"Oh really? You know me? You don't live with me. You don't know 'how I get'."

"I do. I know you more than anyone else. Don't make me out to be a stranger."

Chris sighs. "I know you do. I just.....feel awful sometimes and today is one of those days I guess."

I smile and wrap my arms around Chris's shoulder. "Hey. Don't you dare feel that way. I'm standing here with my arms wrapped around you in the biggest bear hug ever so don't feel awful."

Chris breathes into my neck and wraps his arms around my waist. "I know. And I'm very very grateful for the bear hugs. I should get this more often."

I rub my thumb along his neckline and feel him tense. Immediately, I pull away and smile awkwardly. 

"So do you want to go out to eat?"

"Not hungry right now. Maybe later, y/n."

Chris smiles and I stare at him, heat rising to my cheeks.

He gives me a questioning look. "What?"

"Don't do that."

"Don't do what? All I'm doing is standing here."

"Yeah you're right. You're right."

I glance back at him and his eyes catch hold to mine.

"Stay with me."

Chris pulls me into another hug. "Stay with me tonight. I don't want to be alone."

"Chris, I.."

He wraps his arms tighter around my waist and nuzzles his face into my neck.


I trace my hands up to the back of his head and hold him against me.


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