Hogwarts: Dan Howell and Phil Lester

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You walk into the corridor, expecting Snape to jump out at you any second now. 

“Y/N!!!!!! YOU’RE HERE!!!!!!”

You see Dan, who’s from Gryffindor, run up to you and hug you.

You frown. “Of course im here its fucking mandatory.”

Dan smiles playfully. “Oh come on. You love it here. The flying brooms, the floating candles, the ever fulfilling suspense over you know who.”

“Oh you mean Lord Voldemort?”

Dan slaps your arm. “DONT SAY HIS NAME!!”

“Dan, this place is magically protected. What do you expect is going to happen? Voldemorts going to fly up in this huge ass castle and go, ‘I OWN THIS BITCH GET ON YOUR KNEES AND BEG FOR MERCY!’ Yeah I dont think so.”

“What are you two arguing about?” You turn at the sound of Phil’s voice. 

“PHIL!!!!!” You run up and hug him tightly.

“Oh okay. I get it. You hug Phil like you havent seen him in decades but when I hug you you’re like, ‘Back up bitch’. Thanks.”

You smile. “Sorry Im just a bit cranky and Phils adorable face always makes me feel better.”

“Why are you cranky?” Phil asks, pulling at his yellow and black tie.

You sigh. “I have Snape first thing tomorrow morning.”

Dan and Phil laugh and say in unison, “ME TOO!”

You stare at them. “One, YAY! Two, dont ever do that again that was kind of freaky.”

They laugh and you walk into the dining hall. All three of you went your seperate ways. You to Ravenclaw, Dan to Gryffindor, and Phil to Hufflepuff. You wave bye to each other sadly and take your seats.

“Welcome, students and faculty, back to Hogwarts. School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As we all know, the Dark Forest is STILL forbidden. As you will STILL die a horrific and tragic death if you shall enter at night alone.”

Dumbledore went on for about twenty more minutes on rules.

“Before we eat, I would like to present our new Dark Arts teacher.”

“Great. Someone else to probably die from a horrendous death or cursed to their doom.” You heard Dan say from across the room.

Dumbledore stared at him. “Mr. Howell, can we please save the scaring the new teacher off for tomorrow?”

Dan laughs and nods.

“Alright then. Your new Dark Arts teacher is Professor Tit.”

Everyone in the hall bursted out laughing, even Snape.

Dumbledore gave everyone a look and finished his speech. Soon, you were all finished and headed off to your dormitories. 

Dan and Phil walk up to you.

“Tit! HA!” You smile.

“Dan you’re so immature.”

He laughs and you get separated again.

You fall asleep and when you wake up its morning again. You take your wand out and dress yourself. Thats the fun thing about being a witch.

You meet Dan and Phil in the corridor.

You walk silently into Snapes room.

“Sup bitch.” Dan says as he walks by him.

Snape spins abruptly to look at him.

“What did you say, boy?”

Dan smiles. “I said good morning sir.”

Snape stares him up and down.

“Hmm. Take your seat and shut your lips.”

“Kay bitch.”

“What?” Snape glares at him.

Dan shakes his head and takes his seat beside you.

“This is going to be a great year.”

The Fantastic Foursome ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang