New Years Kiss: Dan Howell

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"Dan. I think you have had enough. No more drinks."

You look over at the bar and see a boy trying to pry a beer bottle from his friends hand. "No..ju just one
more. I'm pppfine, Phil."

The Phil guy laughs. "I'm surprised you even remember my name."

You snicker to yourself and then walk over to the bar. "I'll just have a  coke. I'm not much of a drinker." You pull your money out of your pocket and go to hand it to the bartender but someone pushes your hand away and lays money on the counter. You look up and see that Dan guy sitting in the seat next to you.

"You're fine. I've got it." You thank him and drink down your coke.

"So. What's your name?"

You look at his slightly swaying body. "I'm y/n. And you?"

"Dan Howell at your serface."

You laughed. He wasn't that drunk but he was still pretty tipsy. "You're very pretty." His whispers were barely audible over the sounds of the party. "Thank you."

His eyes widen. "Ooops. Did I say that out loud?"

You nod. He bites down on his lip and then leans in. "Could I be your New Years kiss?"

"Ummmm." You stared intently at your soda.

Dan coughs. "I'm sorry. That just sorta popped out of my mouth. I'm an idiot. Sorry for making you uncomfortable. I'll leave now."

You put your hand on his arm. "No. That's ok. I'll be your New Years kiss if you want."

He smiles. "Brilliant!"

About ten minutes of awkward silence passed and the countdown finally started up on tv. Everyone crowded around it and Dan scoots a little closer to you. "5, 4, 3, 2, ......1!"

Dan leans his face  down to yours and parted his lips. You didn't know why but you were shaking as
he placed a tender kiss on your mouth. You breathe in and pulled away. For some reason it felt.....right. You stare at him, his eyes clouded with some sort of emotion you couldn't really understand. You felt the urge to pull him back into you and you did. After a longer lasting kiss, he pulls away.

"I did not expect anything like that."
You smile. "Well, Happy New Years."

You get up from your seat and grab your bag. Dan catches hold of your arm. "I'll regret it if I let you walk away without getting your number."

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