His painful BETRAYAL (His second marriage.)

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(*disclaimer* this story is a work of fiction but mixed some real facts in Islam.A woman having two husband is not part of Islam,but men can marry up to four.

There are alot of reasons, the most reasonable one to me,is that there are more women than men, meaning many women are left without husband's .In this case,poly serves as a solution In Islam.

So a woman having two husbands makes things worse, and it's definitely not allowed.

But I decided to give a woman two husbands because it's my book and I wanted to highlight the pain women go through, even though poly came to help women.

We are human beings,we doomed to feel pain.I just wanted to highlight that.

This is fiction,I repeat fiction,women can't have two in the real world.But they did,in my book because It's FICTION.

If you are confused,you can look it up,but am not a scholar.I am also learning,I hope there isn't any confusion.

Amira's POV.

Life has been so much stress.Am Currently on a business trip,am a caterer.I have been away for a month, Am almost done,I can't wait to be with my loving hubby.

He has been so sweet and supportive.We have been married since we were seventeen.We are both 22, meaning we have been married for 5years.

We got married early because of our religious backgrounds.Yep am a proud Muslim.As Muslims we practice Chasity and modesty.Kareem and I couldn't keep away from each other,so we decided to get married.

Here we are, happily married.I suddenly got a phone call,that shook my entire world.


My whole world came crushing down,he wouldn't cheat me like this.Polygamy was allowed in my religion but he promised that I was the only woman for him,so why?

It was around 6pm,the drive to my house was hour's drive.I took off in my car as tears flooded my eyes.I didn't listen to any more details from ria ,my best friend.

I finally reached home.The place wasn't decorated,was ria playing a prank? I rushed in , only to be shocked by a heartbreaking sight

My husband stood in marriage clothes beside his new bride.His second wife.I lost my balance and hit the door,he made an attempt as I slumped to the floor.

He froze with guilt written all over,his new bride had the same guilty look.

Kareem:a-are you okay?(He stuttered
I didn't respond,I was silenced by the pain.I slowly got to my feet as tears streamed down my face,I approached him)

Kareem:I can explain
Amira: don't you feel sorry for me? (My voice basically cracked) you know I have issues,I am a weak person,I have anxiety and panic attacks ever since I was raped at 13,you were the only one I trusted with my heart,but you stand here and hurt me?

You said you would love me, and take care of me,you said I was perfect even when the world saw me as broken,but you lied.If I was perfect,why would you cheat on me? Why break me in the worse possible way.Do you even love me?

Kareem: offcourse I love you..
Amira:no,you don't even pity me, that you even cheat on me.
Kareem: I was forced to do this.
Amira:no,I can see that you like her,you are lying to me.I hate lies and you know it.I don't even have the strength to divorce you.(I turned to leave)

Kareem: Amira please,I love you.(He cried out desperately,then it hit me,I started having a panic attack.He rushed to my side.) Breathe dear,I pushed him off before darkness consumed me)

I woke up the next day with my parents beside me,my mom hugged me tight,I couldn't help but cry into her arms.I reached out to my dad.He joined in.I really needed them.

After spending time with my parents,we came out.I saw my husband and his wife in the hall with worried faces.

Kareem:how are you?
Ali: don't act like you care,I get that you wanted another wife but you could have atleast told her.
Kareem:it was so sudden,I didn't mean..
Mariam:save us the details,you hurt our daughter, she will be staying over with us for a while,it is not up for discussion.

Kareem:ok but please let me talk to her.
Amira: father,I will be fine.
Mariam:we are outside dear.
(They left.)
Kareem: please hear me out.for old time sake.

Amira:(I chuckled darkly) 5 mins .
Kareem:Dear,I met Asia in the night,she was being harrassed by some men,I saved her and brought her here,but she was being harrassed by the people of our society,we were charged with adultery because I sheltered a helpless woman.

Asia was going to be punished harshly and thrown out,I was forced to marry her to save her honour.This is temporary until we find her family.

Asia:He is right,I am not here to steal your husband.Trust me.

(Wow,he did this to help her but why does it still hurt,he did a good deed so why)
Kareem: darling.
Amira:you did good but am still hurt,I need time.(I walked off.)

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Where stories live. Discover now