Never be at peace(preggers)

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Asia's POV
Kabir's house was just across from his family's house.Home sweet hell.We came to his family's house only to be greeted by his hate filled parents.

Hasana:why is she here?
Kabir: mother, please.
Lukeman:no son ,she lied to all of us and then went over to marry her lover, she is a deceitful woman and an adulteress.

Asia: that's a lie, and we all know it.You kicked me out after my coma!
Hasana:are you going to believe her Kabir?

Kabir:yes because I know you two, what you two did to her was very cruel.You kicked her out onto the street after a coma,who does that?
Do you know how dangerous that was? It was Kareem who saved her life,I will always be indebted to him. Because I would have become a widower.You two never approved of our marriage but I didn't think that you would go ahead and do something this cruel.Am ashamed to be your son.

Asia: don't say that Kabir,they are still your parents.
Hasana:so because of her?you disown us?
Kabir:no it's because of your actions that I disown you.We don't get to choose our parents,so am just stuck with you two.I just came to tell you that am back with my wife.Good night.

Kabir held my hand as we walked off.He didn't often confront his parents.This will never stop until am out of his life.

It will never stop until ,am out of everybody's lives.Thats what I do, ruin people's lives.

A week passed, and I feared, because I was showing symptoms of pregnancy.Kabir noticed,we bought a pregnancy test and it came out positive.

We both stood there stunned.
Kabir: congrats.
Asia:but it's not yours.
Kabir:you have always wanted to be a mother Asia.I don't care who the father is,as long as your dream comes true,am happy.

I hugged him with tears in my eye.I straddled his waist.
Asia:you are still suffering Kabir,first it was Amira and now me.Am so sorry for hurting you.(tears came down my face,he wiped my tears.)

Kabir:I will be fine,you will always be my little sea monster.(He held me tight .I missed this,I missed him so much.)

Kabir's POV

The next day,came a tough decision.We came to Kareem's house with a few of Asia's things.Kareem was in the hall when we came in.

Kabir: Salam
Kareem:Salam, I've missed you guys.
Kabir:yeah same,you see Asia needs to stay with you.She is pregnant with your baby.

Amira came in.
I've missed her so much.
Kabir:Asia is pregnant with Kareem's child, and to be able clear the doubts from society about the partenity of the child,Asia will have to stay with you.

All eyes were on Amira.
Amira:why do you all stare at me?As I said I will learn to live with polygamy.I will be alright.

(I know Amira all too well.She was trying her best not to show her emotions.I could tell she was hurt but was trying to endure it and accept

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Where stories live. Discover now