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I reached the hospital, obviously with puffy eyes.I was showing signs of having another anxiety attack when my kind stranger came in.

Amira: Kabir (I said breathlessly)
Kabir: breathe dear,you can do it(I took deep breaths, followed his orders and finally relaxed.)

I became emotional.
Amira:why doesn't anybody love me?
Kabir:just because your husband hurt you doesn't mean nobody loves you.What about your parents?

Amira:I don't know,I just want go to bed.(He stiffened because there was a deeper meaning to what I said)
Kabir:why do you want to die
Amira: because the voices said so.

(I have been battling with mental issues ever since I got raped.My parents and Kareem were my support system and now he hurt me)

Kabir: don't think like that, Have you forgotten about Allah?
Kabir:will he tell you to kill  yourself?
Kabir:so why follow the voices when you have to follow Allah.

Amira:am sorry.
Kabir: it's okay.You are going to be okay.
Amira:no am not.Am suffering Kabir.I am suffering from depression and it doesn't want to go away , and now this, Kareem betrays me (I broke down.He held and made me stare into his green beautiful eyes)

Kabir:hey ,you will get through this,you need to have faith in Allah and fight.I will be by your side.
Amira:why do you want to help me?
Kabir:I like you Amira, I even want to marry you,but not now (He let go,I was speechless at his words.)

Kabir: come on, let's go to the doctor.

(We went for the appointment,we came out after.)
Amira:why did you come?
Kabir:well I hit you with my car, and I wanted to see your recovery.

Kabir: yes?
Amira:I like you too.
(I ran off shyly.)

Kabir's POV
I am not really surprised that she likes me back, because the connection between us is undeniably strong.I felt it ,the first time I laid eyes on her,that was literally when I knocked her down.

I am still inlove with my first wife,I hope she rests well,but now it's Amira who is slowly but surely taking my heart and making it hers.

It hurts me that she is suffering,I will never let her suffer,I will love her and only her.

Amira's POV
I came home at night,after spending the day with Kabir.I was stunned to see kabir's and my family present.

Amira: Salam.
Mariam: sweetie (she hugged me)
Amira: what's going on?
Mariam:we heard you about you wanting a divorce.

Amira: oh.
Ali:where were you dear?(Kareem and Asia walked in.I tried to leave but Kareem's mom stopped me)
Aisha:stay,dear.i know it's not easy for you.
Amira:I will get over it.

Wahab: that is the spirit, daughter in law.
Amira:I mean,am seperating.
(My mom sat me down.)
Wahab:look dear,I know you are hurt but you must understand, that polygamy is apart of our religion.He still loves you dear,the only difference is that he is also inlove with her.

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Where stories live. Discover now