Shocking revelation

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Kareem's POV

Kabir: Salam.
Kareem: Salam, please sit.
(We all sat,it made me sad that Amira wasn't even looking at me)
Kabir:we have something to tell you.

Kareem: please go on.
Kabir:Amira is pregnant.(this was bittersweet,I was happy for them but it hurt) but it's not mine, it's yours.

I was stunned.She is carrying my child.Amira finally stared into my eyes.I can't believe it.

Suddenly a voice interrupted was my father.
Wahab: impossible!

We all got up.
Wahab:you have a husband yet you come here and spread lies.
Kabir:we are not lying.We have reports that shows that she is three months pregnant.She was pregnant before I met her.

Wahab:lies,if she was really pregnant,we would have known.this is just a scheme to get back with my son.What's wrong Amira,you new husband isn't wealthy enough?

Amira turned to leave,I came to her .
Kareem: please don't go,I believe you .
(She turned to look at me.Kabir handed my father the medical reports)

Kabir:this is proof.
Wahab:these are fabricated lies.I will take you to the Islamic court.
Amira:go on and take me,I know am telling the truth.We came here to tell you guys the news.We will be on our way.

Kabir and Amira left.

Asia's POV
I stood at the backyard and watched Kabir and Amira.He noticed me,he told Amira to wait in the car.

He came to meet me.
Asia:hi,how are you feeling about the pregnancy.
(He looked pained)
Kabir:am happy for her but it hurts me so much that it's not mine,I wanted to have a family with her.

Asia:you still can.
Kabir: what about you?
Asia:I kinda feel the same pain that you feel,we are both inlove with them  and Married to them,but it seems faith wants them together.Its up to us to fight for what we love,I still love you Kabir but I know I can't have you.

Kabir: I can't have you too.we getting a divorce hurts me alot,am just so confused.
Asia:I feel the same.
Kabir:how did this happen,we are both inlove with two people, and those two people also love two people which is us,this is indeed TWIST OF MARRIAGES.

Amira's POV
I came out only to find Asia and Kabir at the back,I noticed how they were staring at each other at our nikah(marriage ceremony) .What is going on between the two of them.What are they hiding from me.

Kabir soon came to me.
Amira: what took you so long.
Kabir: I umm,got lost.
Amira: what are you hiding from me?
Kabir:why do you ask such a question dear?

Amira: nothing dear.Lets go.

We went home, today had been so stressful.Two weeks later,My former father in law,had summoned us to court.He was very true to his words .

We were to go in three days. I came home early today and Kabir was nowhere to be seen.I heard sounds coming from the attic.

I came to check,it was a cat.I picked up the fallen items when I found a photo.I was shocked to see a photo of Asia and Kabir on their wedding day.They were married.He cheated me.

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant