Moving out for good

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Amira's POV
I sat in my room crying,I can't believe I was doing this.I was still very much Inlove with Kareem but I just couldn't stay in this type of marriage, that's not me.

I am a very monagomous woman,I can't change who I am for him.For once am thinking of myself, and I can't force myself to be something am not.I have made so many sacrificed for him, this is something I can't do.

I wish I could but I feel betrayed so I can't even if I tried.Oh Allah please give me strength.

I got a phone call from Kabir.
Amira: hi
Kabir:why are you crying dear?did he hurt you?
Amira:no, relax,am just moving out.

Kabir:do you still love him?
Kabir: it's going to be okay dear,if you want we can explore the city After you settle in.
Amira:yeah,I would like that very much.I will talk to you later.

Kabir: okay dear.(We disconnected.My mom came in)
Aisha:is he the man you have fallen for?
Aisha:do you trust him?
Aisha: come here(she hugged me and helped me pack)

My parents were the best, they have always supported me.I am truly blessed.I was all set,I was coming out to the hall with my mom, when I heard my dad, Kareem and Asia talking.

Asia was leaving.
Ali:you don't have to leave.Its too late
Asia:I can't stay after breaking a family.(I walked in with my mom)
Amira:you didn't mean to.You don't have to leave, am leaving.Take care of  Kareem and yourself.(I hugged her as I tried to push back the tears.Asia didn't hold back as she cried.)

Asia:am sorry.
(I noded and turned to leave.I caught sight with Kareem.We both stared into each other's eyes.His eyes held alot of sorrow and regret.)
Kareem: Amira..
Amira: good bye.(I Left with my parents.)

The ride to my parents house was long.My mind was flooded with thoughts of Kareem,the tears streamed my face.He really hurt me,then I suddenly remembered Kabir.

His cute smile made me happy.I started laughing.
Ali: what's funny dear?
Amira: nothing.

We finally reached home.I settled in.I called Kabir ,we talked all day.
2weeks later,My parents and I went to kabir's sister's wedding,were my parents finally met Kabir.

Kabir's POV
Amira looked beautiful like a princess,no a queen rather.I would soon make her my queen and shower her with lots of love.

She deserved so much better.She has been through alot, and I have pledged never to let her suffer anymore.My parents finally met her.

I told them about my plans of marrying her,they were Abit uncertain since Amira was married, nonetheless they were ok, when they got to know she was in the process of a divorce.

My mom couldn't get enough of Amira's dessert, she was truly gifted.My mom and dad were mingling with Amira's parents which made me so happy.

I walked over to Amira who was hugging a young woman.

My brother came to me.
Malik: bro, introduce me to her friend.
Kabir:will you ever stop .
(Amira came to me with her friend)
Amira: this is Ria, she is my bestie and co-baker.
Ria: Salam.

Malik: Salam (he said with an accent causing us to laugh) what?
Ria: that's cute but if you are interested, meet my parents.BRB(She walked off)
Malik:oh I will.(he ran off)

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