Switching spouses

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Amira's POV
I was brought to the hospital,the doctor told us to be careful,I nearly lost my baby.

Three days later,instead of court,we were brought to an Imam.It was funny when wahab,my ex father in law was kicked out.

Imam: your case is case I have never seen before in all my years.Its very common seeing a man with two wives,but a woman with two husbands is Abit odd especially if the two husbands also have share the same two women.But with Allah nothing is impossible.I was told about your case already,this is nobody's fault because it wasn't intentional,but you see every situation is a test from Allah.do you believe that?

Imam: Amira,you believe that if you had accepted Asia as kabir's second wife,all this wouldn't have happened.
Amira:that was before.
Imam:very good because if you had accepted her,you would have never married Kabir and she wouldn't have found her long lost husband.Now the problem is marriage.You four are stuck,the only way out is a divorce.

We all froze because none of us wanted a divorce.We were stuck in this love square, quadruple marriage.

Kareem: can there be another way.
Imam: that's the only way,you the men can marry up to four,one of you can have them both, while the other has to let go and find another wife.so who would it be?

Kabir:I don't want this.
Kareem: neither do I .
Imam: okay,but it just slipped,Amira is pregnant with your baby,by default she must be with you and since Asia is already with you,you get to have them both.

Kareem:no I can't have them both.(He looked at me)
Amira:I don't mind sharing anymore but my problem is that I can't leave my Kabir.
Kabir: neither can I leave you or Asia.

Kareem: and I don't want them both even though I love them,I want to share my love with one person but I don't know which .

Imam:that is why am here to make things right.Miss Amira you revert back to your husband Kareem because you are pregnant with his child but there are doubts.so this is temporary until we find the real paternity.This means I can't call your marriage with Kabir as invalid since we don't know if the child is Kareem or kabir's.

Asia:why would you call their marriage invalid?
Imam: because a woman cannot marry two men,the second marriage becomes invalid unless she divorces her second husband.
Kareem:but we did get a divorce.

Imam:you divorce was never valid because she was pregnant all along, meaning she has two husbands.When you divorce a woman you wait three menstrual cycles to determine whether she is pregnant or not,this is is determine the partenity of the child.Your divorce was made immediately with the three months waiting period or three menstrual cycle because of arising suspicions of Adultery.

That is very understandable because immediately after divorce and there is rise of Adultery,the three months together becomes tainted, divorce often becomes immediate.

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin