Getting married or not?

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Amira's POV
There were rumors going around that Kabir had stood me up.I tried to calm Kabir will never do that to me.I need to calm down.

I couldn't hold in the tears as my parents held me close.Kareem came in ,I rushed over to him crying.

Amira:creamy(I called him by the childhood nickname I gave him.)
Kareem:calm down cookie.(He hugged me)
Amira:please tell me he will come.
Kareem:do you have faith in your love?

Kareem:then he will come, don't be frightened.

Asia's POV
First Kareem and now Kabir, I couldn't help but cry.I have caused Amira so much pain.

I lost have my memory,I didn't remember being married, and now that I remember being married,I can't believe am married to Kabir . Amira's soon to be husband.

I ruined her wedding, just like I ruined her marriage with Kareem.As soon as I got my memory,all the love I have for Kabir came flooding into my heart.

And now am inlove with Kabir and Kareem,but this isn't about me, it's about Amira.I called Kabir many times but he didn't answer.

I sent him a text"listen to your heart"
Minutes later he was here.He listened.

Kabir's POV
I was sitting by the sea thinking when I got a text from asia.listen to your heart,it read.I just closed my eyes ,all I saw was waking up to Amira.

My goodness what have I done.I quickly got on my motorcycle and rode off to the wedding.

I ran into the house as the house echoed with commotion.I enter the room only to find Amira in Kareem's arms.Was I too late? Was she going to take him back?

(She walked to the window giving us her back.I went to her)
Kabir: please forgive me.(she turned to me)
Amira: nobody is forcing you to marry me.

Kabir:you are right dear,but I want to marry you.
Amira:then why did you ran off?
Kabir:I got cold feet,am still inlove with my first wife .I needed to clear my head.

(I didn't risk telling her that my first wife was Asia who is very much Alive.I made up my mind to fix things.)

Amira: even am still inlove with Kareem,so I can understand you, she was your first love, just like Kareem is mine,but you see I choose to let go of Kareem because he is my past, and you are my future.I choose you.but it seems you can't get over your past.

Kabir: I can and that is why am here infront of you, am so sorry for leaving,but am here to make up for it if only you will have me.The past is in the past indeed.All I want is you Amira.

Amira: prove it.
Kabir:marry me (after a while she smiled)
Amira: don't make me regret it.
(I sighed happily.)

Asia was at the back of my mind,just like Amira meant, the past is in the past.It was going to very hard to let Asia go but I had to .

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora