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Amira's POV

He called me sister, because of my hijab (headscarf) was he Muslim too.I suddenly lost conciousness.I woke up in the hospital.

I hated hospital,they reminded me of when I was raped.The night they rushed me in because I was bleeding.I started shivering at the memories.

The kind stranger came in with food,he placed it down as I crawled back.
Kabir: relax,sister I will never hurt you.
Amira: why did you bring me here?

Kabir:you injured your knee.
Amira:no I don't want to be here.(I started crying.)
Kabir: please don't cry(I didn't listen which caused him to clench his jaw.He pulled me in gently by my face.I stared wide eyed.)

Kabir:I don't like it when women cry,who did it,tell me.
Amira:my husband.

Later on ,I can't believe I told a complete stranger my life story.Why did I trust him so much.

Kabir: that's terrible what your husband did,He had every right to get another woman but he should have atleast considered your feelings.He went about it the wrong way.

Amira:do you think am selfish?
Kabir:no,you are human , your feelings got hurt ,you have every right to be upset.He hurt you knowing you have emotional issues .He should have done this the right way.

Amira: circumstances forced him to.
I won't lie.But he still cheated.
Kabir: yeah, and he should have sat you two down to talk,rather than sleeping with her while lying to your face that he will divorce her.

Amira:I hate lies.And he lied to me,I will never forgive him.Thank you for bringing me here.
Kabir:I should be apologising for hitting you with my car, and bringing you to the hospital.A place that reminds you of trauma.

Amira: it's ok, because it seems am getting the hang of it,I have to be a big girl and you helped me out, thank you kind stranger.
Kabir:am Kabir.
Amira: Amira.

We stared intensely at each other,I lowered my gaze.
Kabir: sorry it's inappropriate for us not lower our gazes.
Amira: right,I smiled.(I could feel his gaze on me when I smiled.)

Kabir's POV
She has the most beautiful smile,I was driving when a young Muslim woman ran into the street causing me to hit her.I didn't see her.

I rushed to her, only to meet the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.She was so beautiful, and she was crying.

It broke my heart to see her cry.She started having panic atracks and lost conciousness.After hearing her story at the hospital,it hurt me.

It hurt me that her husband betrayed her,I would never betray her,I would shower her with so much love.I am a one -woman type of man.I could only offer my love to one woman.

I was very discreet and just want a small family.A wife and two kids that's all.I want to have time to shower my wife and kids with love.

That almost happened until my wife died.

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Where stories live. Discover now