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Third person's POV
Kabir: what?after what you helping and supporting him,he got another woman?

Samira: yeah,I felt betrayed, which is a natural reaction.But it's apart of our religion,so I had faith in Allah,but things turned down hill.I was treated poorly as he showered his other wife with love and if I wanted to take a break from working,he would screamed at me.He needed me to work so that he can take care of me, and the other woman.

I swallowed my pride, and dealt with it but one day I couldn't take it,he had lost his job and I was overburdened with all the finances.I suggested that his second wife also find work but I got insulted instead .I had enough and told him to find a job, since he is the husband not me.

He slapped me hard and that was it.I asked for a divorce.I took him to court since he didn't want to accept.My dad being influential,I got the divorce very fast.A month more and am done with the waiting period.Do you know that my soon to be ex,is also in a wheelchair?

Kabir: really?
Samira:yeah, and I get reproached for not being there to take of him, instead am here taking care of strangers,meanwhile his other wife is busy spending her dad's money on spa days.

Kabir:he doesn't deserve you.You are such a good big hearted woman.I will never treat you so horribly Samira.I won't lie that I like you , and I would like to marry you.What do you say?

(Just then ,Asia walked in.They hadn't seen her yet but she was heartbrokened as Samira agreed.)

She stayed in silence as preparations were being made for the marriage.Asia was cooking as Kabir talked about his love for Samira.Asia had to endure it.

Kabir:I think I have found the love of my life,you know.
Asia: yeah.

Malik  came in.Malik gave Asia a sympathatic look.

Malik:mom is calling you.
Kabir: ok.(he took Kabir away.Samira came in)

Samira:I know you are not happy.
Asia:why wouldn't I be?my best friend is getting married.
Samira:but you are his first wife.You all try to hide that fact but am not dumb.He has forgotten you, hasn't he?

Asia:look,I just want him to be happy, okay.Just do that for me.
Samira:no,you two deserve to be with each other.I won't marry him.
Asia: no, please, don't do that.he loves you, and you make him happy.Believe me,if he is happy am happy.It just hurts that he doesn't remember his love for me, that's promise me ,you will get married to him.

Samira:I promise.

Just like that the month passed,Samira was divorced.She stared at her ex .

Samira: good luck.Its never too late, please remember the teachings of the prophet,it will guide you to become a better husband.

Salim:If it does, will you take me back?
Samira: it's too late (A tear came down his face).

Samira didn't miss that as she walked off.

TWIST OF MARRIAGES (polygamy/Polyamory twist)Where stories live. Discover now