Divorce trial(turned bloody)

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Amira's POV
Here I stood in court as the judges and society prosecuted me for being an Adulteress.My parents stood with their heads bowed.

But they made a move when they started throwing objects at me.
Aisha:no!(I signaled ria to stop my parents from intervening)

Suddenly Two people covered me in a circular form.My head was lowered,I raised my head to see Kareem and Kabir standing in front of me, shielding me.

The people stopped throwing the objects.We three stood like this frozen.They were here protecting me.They both had love in their eyes for me.

I was crying from the abuse of the people.Kareem wiped my tears.Kabir walked back,he didn't want to make things worse.

Kareem:are you okay?
(I noded.)
Kareem: father, what's all this?
Wahab:am happy you are here.Your wife has been cheating on you with this man.She is here to be punished.

Kareem:let her go.
Jugde:we can't,she committed adultery,she deserves 100 lashes.
Kabir:no, I do.I kissed a Married woman.She is innocent, punish me rather.

Amira:no Kabir..
Kabir:Amira it's okay.Punish me ,I committed the sin.
Jugde:so be it.50 lashes since you aren't married.you are lucky I didn't add more.
Kabir took his shirt off,I panicked.

Kabir: hold her Kareem,now.
(Kareem held me.Kabir knelt down topless.I started weeping)

They started wipping him as I cried.I turned to Kareem,I nearly knelt infront of him.He held me up.

Amira: please Kareem,am begging you, please stop this,am begging you.If you have ever loved me, please stop this,am begging you.Kareem please.

(He grabbed the whip)
Wahab: what are you doing son?
Kareem:I will take the rest of the lashes.
Judge: impossible,we cannot punish the innocent.

Kareem:yet you let the crowd throw objects at her without proper prosecution.I am her husband,she is my responsibility,so I will take the punishment.
Wahab:I won't let you .

(I rushed over to Kabir but he pulled away)
Kabir: don't come closer.
Wahab :just look at this ,in our own presence!
Ali: it's because they are inlove,I know the best solution.

Jugde: what's that?
Ali: divorce.A Married woman who sets her eyes on another man must be divorced.Her own husband didn't even bring the case to court,it was his father.The husband has that power,not the father but since it has already been brought to court,we must find a solution, which is divorce.

Aisha:my husband is right,it already shows that my daughter is inlove with this man,they made a mistake,a huge one.They committed Zina but they are repented now,our religion isn't that cruel not to forgive ,we are human beings,we make mistakes.Lets make sure they don't commit such a mistake, which is by them getting married.but not before the divorce or they will keep making the same mistake.

Ali:the power is in your hands,Kareem.What you say,goes.

Kareem stared at me.He held him.
Kareem:do you really love him?
Amira:yes very much but I still love you.

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