Chapter 3

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Valarie was only a mere second away from crushing the cup in her hand. She gritted her teeth as she returned to his office. She laid the hot cup down on the table, vile thoughts pulsing through her mind. She had much better plans for that steaming cup of coffee but she kept her cool. Without any words, not even a simple thank you, Dimitri kept his eyes fixed on his files while he took a sip of the hot liquid.

"So, what is there to do around here?" Valarie asked as the awkward silence crept in.

"There is much to do but most of it doesn't exactly involve you" his eyes still hadn't moved.

"So then why did you ask for an assistant?"

He finally looked at her.

"I didn't just ask for any assistant, like you. I remember adding very specific details. Someone who would tend to my needs."

"Your needs? Shouldn't your 'needs' be the needs of the company? I'm pretty sure you are way off target when you say needs."

"Yes, yes. I plan on doing everything in the best interest of the company and I'm pretty sure me being able to work at my best, is in the company's best interest. For me to perform my best, I must feel my best and for me to feel my best I need to find ways to satisfy my..."

"Satisfy your...?" she questioned.

"Urges" he almost whispered, the sound of his voice tickling the hairs at the back of her ears.

Valarie swallowed a lump and cleared her throat.

"Well I'm sure you can satisfy your 'urges' elsewhere." His lips quirked up into a small smile.

"Sit" he ordered.

"Sit?" she questioned.

He glared at her with threatening eyes but she didn't budge.

"So stand there then" he instructed and she immediately sat down.

Dimitri shook his head in annoyance and returned to his files. Valarie took the time to observe his features. There was no doubt why every woman would sprawl at his feet. He was in every way touched by the Gods. The lean muscles pressing against his skin and prominent veins full of warm blood captured her eyes and she could not stop staring. Valarie cursed herself and ran away from her thoughts. She had to stay focused. Her job was to tie him to another woman anyway so there was no need to complicate things with herself tied in the middle.

Dimitri picked up an empty sketch book and handed it to her. Valarie took it and quizzed her brows.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" she questioned.

"Draw" he responded.

"Draw? Haha, trust me I'm no artist."

"I don't care. This week we work on swimwear. Just come up with a template now so I can send it to design to get it made.

"But I-"

"I wasn't exactly asking you to" he cut across.

Valarie sighed. It had been ages since the last time she drew something. She feverishly surfed her mind for ideas. A design popped up faster than expected.

 She slid the sketch book across the table after drawing. Dimitri reviewed it.

"Hmm, not bad" he commented.

He handed it back to her "Take it down to design and get it made."

Valarie did as he said. As she was making her way out, one of the models were walking in. She was extremely skinny. It was almost like a skeleton walking on chopsticks. Self-consciousness consumed her. She felt like a dried pea pod in the midst of a thousand roses. Valarie forced herself to keep her gaze on the floor. It was too depressing to look up. She walked through the halls among the models and felt completely out of place. The only thing positive that stemmed from it was that she had tons of options to choose from to find Dimitri a match.

She entered the design office and gaped around. It was quite a busy workshop. Designers, models and clothes everywhere. She had no idea who to take her sketch to.

A slender guy with a blonde faded haircut approached her.

"Hello can I help you?" he was polite.

"Um yes. Mr. Osbourne sent me here to get this design made." She handed him the sketchbook.

He observed it "Oh this is really good. Did you design it?" he asked.

"I tried something" Valarie chuckled.

"Well it's an excellent try then."

"Thanks" she blushed.

"My name is Kyle by the way" he greeted.

"Valarie" she shook his hand.

"Come with me, I want to show you something."

Valarie followed him. He sat her down on a chair in front of a computer and placed the sketch on the scanner. The image gradually appeared on the screen.

"Let me show you how this works."

He clicked a button and the image transformed into a high definition graphic design template.

"Ah so cool" Valarie exclaimed.

"All we need to do is send it to the machine and it just prints it out and it's ready to use. We'll have your design out in no time."

She smiled and was kind of excited to see how it would look on one of the models.

"You can tell Dimitri that it'll be ready by the end of the day."

"Okay thank you so much!"

She headed back to the office. As she opened the door, her jaw creaked open and her eyes widened. She immediately shut the door and placed her hand over her heart that was now pounding against her chest.

"What the actual F*ck!" she screamed in her head.

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