Chapter 5

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Valarie sat, her feet outstretched on the couch. She took a sip of wine and ran her hands through her hair as she pondered on the day's events. It was like if it had occurred just one minute ago. She was still in shock. Never had the thought crossed her mind that Dimitri would agree to her proposal. She'd spend so much time wondering how he would take the news that she hadn't spent any time at all to plan how she was going to approach the situation. How on earth was she even going to attempt to find him a woman?

She pulled her note pad out and scribbled a few qualities she thought that he would like. Beautiful, confident, probably a model...She opted to tackle home ground first in the light of making her job far more easy. There must be someone right at work to fill in the blank spaces right?

The day came faster than the speed of light. Valarie walked confidently into the office for hope had engulfed all of her insides. She'd been match making for as long as she could remember and not once had she failed. Determination did not plan on making this time the first. Besides she didn't have a choice but to succeed. It was do or die. Although she wanted to, she couldn't forget that the bank was on her trail. She was in great need of the money and wanted nothing else but to get the job done and get paid.

Cool eyes fixed on her as if they had been there minutes before she entered.

"Good morning" Valarie greeted.

"So have you found anyone yet?" Dimitri responded with a question.

The arch of her eyebrow shifted a bit higher.

"I see that you still haven't found your manners yet. I said good morning."

"Okay and I asked you a question so answer it" Dimitri responded boldly.

Valarie rolled her eyes.

"I see that I'm going to have a task here finding someone to put up with your shit" she mumbled to herself.

He narrowed his eyes on her and awaited her answer.

"Patience jeez! It's been less than a day since. I'm going to start on it today. I'll do a little looking then you'll take over when I find one."

"Well you better get to work then. My father is paying you a lot for this shit."

Valarie laid her bag down on the table and retrieved her notepad. She tucked the lose strands of hair behind her ears and sighed.

"I'll be looking" she said as she walked off.

A lop-sided smile played across his face.

"Good luck" he teased and she glared at him for a few seconds before exiting.

Her eyes gaped around as she explored the environs. She needed someone to fill the qualities he would like yet be responsible enough to commit herself. Maybe model should be out of the question for the while since those are the toys he usually plays with. A woman is what he needed not some girl that still haven't grown up yet.

She paused for a moment to ponder. Maybe someone from accounts would do the trick. After all, their job requires them to be organized and responsible. Perhaps they'll have their life in order too and opt for more serious relationships.

The first girl at the desk wore a light yellow shirt buttoned to the last at her neck. Her hair was pulled loosely into a pony tail and her glasses was far too large for her face. The lens were so thick that it gave the appearance of a magnifying glass and made her eyes bulge beneath them.

"Ehh too nerdy" Valarie voiced in her head.

She continued walking down the isle to observe.

"Too old, too slutty, too fake, not even a woman. Ugh there must be someone in here."

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