Chapter 15

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Valarie was completely out of breath. Her vision was blurry and she struggled to walk in a straight line. Her mind still could not come to terms with what had just occurred. Did Dimitri really just-?

No, it couldn't have happened. There was no way it could have. She tried to coach herself into believing it but the lingering feeling of his soft lips on hers made it extremely difficult to forget. She knew her face marked the way she felt and even the person who least knew her could tell that she was definitely self-deconstructing with just one glance.

She needed a hide out. Somewhere to reflect her feelings and pull herself together. Her feet scuffled to the wash room before she encountered anyone who would stop for chat. Valarie stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was crimson red and her eyes glistening. She placed her palms over her cheeks in an attempt to dilute the shade but it was pointless.

Her inner self scolded her for allowing him to release her kiss cushions but her devil of rationality smiled satisfyingly. She had a job to do and she couldn't afford for things like this to jeopardize her success in finding him a woman worthy of lasting a lifetime with him. Valarie promised herself to forget that it ever happened. She would cast the memory away into the deepest part of the underworld, never to find it again.

She closed her eyes tightly to focus on what she was doing. Her finger brushed across her lower lip in an attempt to erase the remnants of his touch.

Suddenly, a voice broke her concentration.

"Well look who it is. Little miss snitch bitch."

Valarie knew that voice all too well. She exhaled a slow breath before opening her eyes. When her lids opened, flames fired out of her eyes. She looked at the red queen's reflection in the mirror before turning around. Adrianna's lips quirked up into a sarcastic smile that only lasted for two seconds. Valarie glared at her and now the two were in a cat-like face off.

"Is that really how he has you? Like his little puppet? To be on the spy and run to him like some slave to inform. Now because of you, he cast me out...No one casts me out! I will make you pay for this."

This time the room only entailed them both. Valarie didn't have an audience so she could play her game like she wanted without restrain. Her stomach had now turned completely upside down for Adrianna's aura made her sick. She couldn't pretend to be nice anymore. All she felt towards her was utter disgust. Valarie's lips quirked up into a one sided smile. Her eyes scanned Adrianna from head to toe and made a mental decision to put out the fire before it ascended to a full blaze.

She rolled her eyes and turned to walk out the door. Adrianna grabbed her by the arm and she violently shrugged her shoulders to get her hand off. Valarie glared at her.

"Don't you dare put your hands on me again or you will surely regret it the next time."

She continued to walk out the door and head back to the office. Adrianna walked closely behind her. Valarie could feel her presence. She could smell her stench from behind but she forced herself to ignore her as if she wasn't even there. She pushed the door to the office open and walked in, closing the door behind her.

Before the door could click back into place, Adriana vigorously pushed it back open. The edge of the door hit Valarie at the back of her shoulder, causing her to jerk forward. She spun around in a fit of rage to glare at the Red Queen. Dimitri was taken back by the scene. He thought that Adriana was far away from the building by now. His eyes glowed with fire, steamed hissed from his nostrils. His hands fisted dangerously at his side. He rose from his seat and walked like a predator towards its pray.

"I thought I told you to leave. What the hell are you still doing here Adrianna?" his voice bellowed across the room.

"Did you really think that you would get rid of me that easily? Ha! You really have no idea the bitch you are messing with."

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