Chapter 26

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"Well I should probably introduce myself once more by saying this time that I would prefer for you to call me 'Chevy' " Mr. Chevalier said smiling at Jake.

"Chevy. I can get used to that" Jake chuckled. "It's nice to meet your sir".

"Welcome son. So you said the you are good friends with Ms. Valaire? How did you meet her?"

Jake paused to look at Valarie for a second before looking back at Mr. Chevalier.

"It's actually kind of funny how we met. On the night of the last fashion show, the atmosphere got a bit overwhelming for her so she stepped out for some fresh air. I almost ran her over with my car..." He paused for a second and turned to look right ahead, peering into Dimitri's eyes "And she ran straight into my arms..."

Dimitri tensed and glared at him. Everything was starting to piece together. This was surely the man who had answered Valarie's phone when he had called that night.

Jake smirked and continued "We sort of just kicked off as friends from then."

Valarie glanced up at Dimitri and almost snorted when she saw his face. He still hadn't taken his eyes off of Jake and looked like a predator about to pounce on its prey. She bit down on her lips and tried to suppress her smile. Mr. Chevalier continued talking.

"Ahh I see. Since you mentioned the show, why not we talk about it? Nikolai I must say, you really impressed me that night. Especially with the surprise with Ms. Ashley at the end. Fantastic designs!"

Ashley grinned. "Thank you sir!"

Valarie rolled her eyes and glared at her.

"Thank you for the credit but I must say that Ashley's show at the end came to me as a surprise. I had no idea that she was so talented" Nikolai spoke.

"Yes me either. I had no idea" Valarie inputted with a dry tone.

"Haha. I guess she surprised us all. She hid her talent all this time from us to pull off a great show."

"Yes! What can I say? I'm the queen of surprises" Ashley said, twirling a strand of hair around her index finger.

"I am sure that you are" Ms. Osbourne spoke with sarcasm laced in her voice. She then smiled as distraction from her tone.

Valarie smirked and continued looking as Ashley.

Mrs. Chevalier spoke to Ashley next. "What was your source of inspiration for those pieces? What is your driving force to design."

Ashley blinked rapidly "Um...My source of inspiration you say?"

"Yes, your source of inspiration" Valarie gladly reminded her.

"Um well...When I work, I uh. I don't know. My pure talent just comes out and everything just sort of happens..."

Valarie snorted then quickly morphed it into a cough when everyone looked at her. "Um...sorry. There was a dry spot in my throat."

Jake tried to suppress his smile. "'You should drink some water."

"Yes drink some water" Nikolai agreed.

She took a sit of the water next to her and gave them a reassuring smile . "All good now."

As soon as Ashley was about to continue speaking, Jake sliced through her first word. "Did you know that Valarie designs also?" Jake asked the Chevys'.

"Oh really?" Mr. Chevy questioned.

Valarie pinched Jake on his leg in secret as a signal to not progress further with the topic.

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