Chapter 10

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Dimitri reclined in his chair and flipped his thoughts back to a few moments ago. His mind encircled what Valarie had written. If her words referred to him then he could not help but to notice that he had never seen himself in that light before. Surely women hunted him down but he always thought it had something to do with his wealth or who his father was. He had never really given much attention to physical attraction. Did she really think him to be some dark lord? Some demon? As bad as it might sound, it stroked his ego sincerely. His sub-conscious laid back on cloud nine and smiled satisfyingly. It was an analogy he appreciated only because it didn't make him seem weak and because she challenged him so much.

Her opinion of him in the case with women didn't seem to bother him either. It was just that, her opinion. There were two equal ends to the rope. If he was at fault, then the women he toyed with were at fault too. Besides, how bad could it be if it was based entirely on the grounds of pleasure? It wasn't as if he forced them into it. They wanted him as much as he wanted them. It wasn't a surprise that she didn't entirely think highly of him anyway. First impressions tend to last and she clearly didn't like him much and it was there he was going to put his foot and make his stance.

Valarie handed the sketchbook over to Kyle. He did the same routine as before.

"You are really good. How come they didn't send you across to Design earlier?"

"I don't really draw. I just don't have much of a choice lately."

"Oh yeah, Prince Charming is in town now. What is he like?"

"An ass" she responded before walking off. Kyle chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't be a stranger Valarie."

"I won't. I'll be back again pretty soon.

She headed back to the office to complete the rest of designs.

Valarie didn't even look at Dimitri when she entered the room. She kept her eyes to herself and walked straight to the sofa where she sat and immediately began working on the designs. Dimitri observed her closely. It was like he didn't even exist. Her neck remained bent as if there were no muscles to hold it up. He'd hope that she lifted her eyes just once to grasp her attention but that clearly wasn't going to happen on its own.

He cleared his throat in hope that she'd look up but she didn't. She kept her focus on her sketch book. He cleared his throat a second time, this time louder. Valarie paused and slowly lifted her eyes to look at him.

"So are you incapable of multitasking?"


"You have two jobs to do. Working on the designs, and tending to me. Seems like you can focus only on one at a time. Maybe I should tell my father to find someone who's a bit more capable."

Valarie rolled her eyes and sighed. She closed her notepad down a bit and fixed her eyes on him. "I'm all ears."

"I think I'm doing a much better job than you here."

"What?" Valarie was on full alert.

"You got me two women and none satisfied my urges. I found myself one and I feel like a renewed man again."

"Hmm, maybe I still thought too highly of you then. Gave you the benefit of the doubt that a gentleman might be deep in there somewhere."

"Gentleman? Ha! I'm not even a man. I am a monster."

She cocked her neck backwards. "Hmm, your sex life must be pretty electrifying. I didn't think much women were into bestiality."

A slow smile played across his face. "Oh you have no idea."

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