Chapter 25

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Before the birds could stop singing their morning song, Valarie hustled down to the bank to sort out the email problem. She approached a dark haired Hhispanic teller at the first available counter and asked to speak with the bank's manager. The woman smiled up at her. "Can you please hold one moment?"

Valarie nodded and waited uneasily in her spot. She couldn't fall for another money scam. First her aunt coaxing her into paying off a debt that wasn't hers and now some scam email from the bank stating that she cleared off the debt when she know very well that she hadn't.

After a few minutes, the teller returned with a warm smile. "Mrs. Jackson will see you now." Valarie walked into the room she was led to and closed the door behind her. Mrs. Jackson's warm eyes gleamed at her.

"Ms. -"

"Valarie. Just call me Valarie" Valarie interjected.

"Ms. Valarie" Mrs. Jackson greeted. "Good morning, Have a seat."

Valarie sat down in the black leather chair that swallowed her.

"So I understand that you are here concerning the email I sent you yesterday with regards to your debt being cleared."

"Yes, the email stated that the loan is cleared off but I'm pretty sure I didn't clear it off yet. I'm not sure what's going on."

Mrs. Jackson smiled. "Well I guess today must be your lucky day. Somebody paid off your loan yesterday. So as of now, you are officially cleared of your debts. Congratulations and I hope that you will consider us to be your go to bank again."

Valarie stared at her with parted lips. Soo.....To get this straight, are you saying that someone else cleared off the loan for me?"

"Yes, exactly that."

"Who paid it off? Did my aunt pay it off?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you who did it. The person asked to remain anonymous but I assure you that it was not your aunt. "

"So you are giving out my personal information to people and i'm not allowed to know who it is? How did anyone even know about the loan. I only told my boss and my best friend?"

"I'm aware of who your boss is and your friend and it's neither of them. I'm not sure how the man knew about it but he said that he was a close friend of yours."

"A close friend? Lady I am sorry but I don't exactly have much long term 'friends'.

Mrs. Jackson chuckled and knocked her claw like nails in a sequence on the table. "Well it appears you have a greater friend than you think. If I were you, I would have considered myself lucky. Regardless of the payment arrangements, congratulations again for clearing off your debts. Please see your way out today with no worries. Sometimes life has an unexpected way of turning out.

Valarie walked out of the bank both relieved and uneasy. She was in total disbelief. She'd gotten confirmation that the email was legit yet she still felt like she was still owing something. If her aunt, nor Mr. Osbourne and Kyle hadn't cleared the loan off for her, then who? She wouldn't let it rest until she found out who it was.

She trotted straight into Nikolai's office.

"Valarie! His grey eyes beamed at her. "Good morning."

"Morning" she responded slumping down into the chair.

He narrowed his eyes and studied her features. "What's wrong?" he questioned, already sensing that something was wrong.

"I'm happy, but I'm confusingly happy."

His fingers brushed lightly across his lips to cover his smile. "Why? What happened?"

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