Chapter 33

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Dimitri brought his black Audi to a stop just in front of the tall glass building. He was quite on a role with slamming doors. He could have broken his door off and he didn't give a damn in the world. He walked with balled fists into the building and towards the receptionist in the lobby.

"Good morning sir" she greeted.

"Morning" he answered annoyed.

"Do you have an appointment today?" she questioned.


"Are you here to see someone?"


"Who would you like to see?"


"Jake..." she prompted for a surname.

"I don't know, just Jake."

"Sir there are two Jakes that work here. One of our seniors and the other is- "

"The other one" he cut her off.

"'Are you sure?"

Dimitri glared at her.

She cleared her throat. "Okay, I'll call his office and see if he is available. What is your name?"

"Dimitri Osbourne" he responded.

"Hi good morning sir" she responded after the phone was answered.

"A Dimitri Osbourne is here to see you."

She nodded then hung up the phone."

"He will allow you up to his office at this time. Fifth floor, room 107."

Dimitri headed to the elevator and landed on the fifth floor. His eyes searched for the room number and he entered without knocking.

A smile played across Jake's face as he closed the door behind him.

"Ahh look who it is" Jake stood up from his seat.

Two dark moons stared back at him. Jake could not ignore the animalistic features that plastered his features.

"Is something the matter?" he asked.

"Yes, you are." Dimitri responded.

"Me? What is it that I have done?"

"How dare you pay off Valarie's loan? It is already too much that you knew about it and I didn't but what gives you the right to do such a thing for her?"

Jake leaned against his desk and smiled.

"First of all, I can do whatever I want" Jake responded.

Dimitri chuckled sarcastically. "You can do what you want?"

Dimitri questioned as he lurked closer to Jake. When he was a close enough distance to him, he swung his arm without warning and connected a meaty punch to his left cheek.

"Well I can do what I want as well" Dimitri shot back.

Jake's face had flipped with the blow. A smile crept over his face and he slowly brought his head to face front once more. He wiped the spec of blood from the corner of his lips and glanced down at it.

"Violent critter aren't you?" Jake questioned in awe.

"If you are wondering if Valarie told me about the loan and allowed me to pay for it, then you got it wrong."

"So how is it that you knew then?"

"I left some of my things at her apartment some time ago and when I went to pick it up, I encountered one of the loan officers putting up a notice on her door. You are not the only man around here who can pull a few strings so I had the loan paid off for her. If anything she deserved that after all the stress you put her through."

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