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Guyssssss....... :(.........FORGIVE THIS SOUL!

I'm so sorry I haven't updated or even been on wattpad lately. I know it seems as though I have disappeared from this world but school have held me captive! Ever since I started this semester, I haven't been able to breathe much, have 'free' time or much time for hobbies. It's just work work work, assignment assignments assignments, study study study exams exams exams. I had exam last week, I had the week before and the week before and I have next week.....and the week after that....and sooon after that.....FINAL EXAMS! O.O........get it? :(

I really would like to update and reply to all your lovely comments but at the same time, I don't want TO rush the chapter or not focus on school because this semester is super short. After it ends, I have about 4 months to write!!!

Thank you so much for all your support and not giving up on me yet! :) :D

I will see if I can sneak in a chapter soon but for now.......PLEASE FORGIVE ME!

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