Chapter 17

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It was as if all the air in the room was being slowly vacuumed and her bones crackled under the pressure of the entire ocean. Valarie sat in silence, her eyes pinned on the runway to see what was coming ahead. Suddenly, every aspect of Ashley annoyed her. To think she was actually the one that hooked her up with that scum of her boss's son.

Her nerves electrocuted her as Ashley's voice rung over the microphone.

"If I may, can I just say one thing? It has always been my dream to work with the Osbournes. I have been working tirelessly on these pieces. What an honour it is to be the one that Mr. Dimitri chose to be the lead youngest designer of the company. With no further delay, I present to you, fashion through the eyes of the youth."

"This bitch grew some boobs in mere seconds" Kyle murmured from behind as he coached himself to keep his cool.

The misty, purple vapour filled the air for a moment only dragging on the anticipation further. As the breath of mystery cleared, the first design emerged from behind the drapes. Valarie's jaw dropped as the model made her way down the runway. Her face warped into confusion and her skin heated beneath. Kyle's eyes bulged as though it had jumped out of its sockets.

"Oh no she didn't just do what I think she just did" Kyle edged further off his seat.

Another model sprung from behind and Valarie went numb. She rubbed her eyes in hope that it would clear her deceitful vision but nothing could clear the light of the truth.

"Oh wow, I had no idea she was a genius" "Nikolai whispered under his breath.

Dimitri's skin burned beneath like lava but his face was now as white as snow. He could feel the burn of a pair of blazing eyes upon him. His neck turned in utter slow motion to look at Valarie.

Two full moons, blotted with a tinge of red and submerged in the depth of the ocean peered at him. Her cheeks glowed crimson red and a kaleidoscope of emotions plastered her entire being. Disappointment, surprise, anger flooded through her veins. Without words spoken, he understood why. The very sketches her hands drew, now fashioned in live play in front of her. Only now to him, they were most spectacular. His tongue was muted, his body numb. He couldn't stop the very thing that had turned the rocks inside of him to lava. To make a scene in front of everyone would surely flake some paint off of the company's polished reputation.

Her fists clenched into painful balls as all twelve of her designs stashed down the runway. She looked around and faces of awe and eyes of glitter were glued to the scene. The line had gotten yet the greatest response from the audience.

Nikolai leaned in to Valarie "Dear Valarie, she is giving your favourite designer competition. I wonder who will win you over tonight between him and her. Haha."

Usually this would be the time she initiates a fake smile but her muscles couldn't budge. She remained fixed to her seat with fists clenched at her sides. The hefty round of applause at the end only fired her up more. Steamed hissed through her ears and nostrils as Ashley found her place back on the stage. It was only then that gown she was wearing became apparent. It was one of the gowns that Valarie herself spent an entire week handcrafting jewels onto it.

"How dare she?" Valarie whispered under her breath.

One could count the very last tooth at the back of her mouth as a monstrous smile played across the face of the Queen of lies. It was clear that she was growing even more into womanhood from the attention she was now getting from the audience.

"Ahh thank you so much for such positive feedback. From the look on your faces, I can tell the line has captured something great within you. Art comes not only from lines and brush strokes on a canvas but from anything you put your heart into. These are the threads of my heart and the work of my hands."

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