Chapter 4

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You know what's worse than watching two people getting it on, on television? Two people getting in on in real life, on an office table, blatantly in front of your face.

Valarie took a moment to catch her breath. The two mounds of flesh pressing against his chest was still completely vivid.

"Ugh" she squirmed at the thought.

She tried feverishly to wipe the image from her mind. There was no way that she could work there or even face him after this. She began walking back to Nikolai's office when the door creaked open behind her. She spun around to find the blonde model tucking her shirt back into her skirt. Her lips shifted into a sideways smile when she spotted Valarie.

"Dimitri needs you now" she said before walking off.

 What? He needs me now? Well I hope he knows that I am not just one of his little play toys standing in line to be petted. He can need my ass... No pun intended.

 Valarie stomped back to Nikolai's office. She walked through the doors and straight to his desk and started tidying the stack of files. His eyes followed her in confusion.

"Is everything okay Ms. Lauryn?" he asked.

"Oh, yes everything is fine" she responded.

He observed her some more.

"So why are you here? And besides, you look like you've just seen a ghost."

"Am I not still welcomed in your office?" she queried.

"Of course you are."

A smile played upon his face.

"Valarie, I know that look. What happened?"

Her eyes met his and like a puppet, her lips shifted to speak.


"Valarie!" a stern voice called out.

She spun around to see Dimitri glaring at her. She didn't even hear when the door clicked open. She stood immovably gaping at him.

"I said I needed you. I've been waiting. Come." he spoke.

Valarie still hadn't moved. Her body slowly defrosted like ice and her lips were the first to close shut. She looked at Nikolai whose lips were now shifting up into a smile. She knew that the time to spill all had already expired and it was only best to leave. Valarie silently excused herself and left behind Dimitri.

One hand was planted deep within a pocket and the other remained in a fist at his side. His lips remained sealed on the way back. The pulsing of his temple indicated that he gritted his teeth. Valarie tried to swallow but her mouth had suddenly gone dry. She walked awkwardly through the door and cleared her throat. Dimitri found his place behind his desk.

"What the hell is your problem? You were going to tell my father about what happened?" he blurted finally.

She raised an eyebrow and folded her arms but couldn't find it in herself to reply. She couldn't even look at him for more than three seconds.

"You should learn how to knock on a door next time" he scolded.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that this was your personal bedroom" she replied.

"It is whatever I want it to be, whenever I want it to be" he said matter of fact.

"Hmm well I better leave then" Valarie suggested.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because my imagination is not as great as yours. I stand here and see nothing but an office. Maybe it might be best to leave you to hallucinate on your own."

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