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Hey guys, I know you are all awaiting an update and I really want to update. I am trying my very best to but school just keeps getting worse and more demanding and sooo crazy right now, I can barely keep up. I'm starting to wonder if they are trying to kill potential doctors instead of create them XD. From now on, every week I have and exam and assignments to hand up. Finals are so close too. When things couldn't get any worse, I got a really bad virus and can barely concentrate to do anything now. I am writing this message and every word looks doubled right now. Another exam this week....sigh

I will try my best to work on the chapter bit by bit until I can get it done but I can't promise when I'll be able to get it done. Maybe you'll be lucky for me to get one in before finals.

Please forgive me. I know how it is to be waiting for an update. I don't mean to torture you guys but at the same time, I can't really get my way around things right now. :(

Hoping to survive so that I'll see you guys soon! Also thanks a million for the interest you guys have in my story. It makes me day :D

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