Chapter 37

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When word got out about Dimitri's and Leanna's engagement, it initially sparked a chain of questions and controversy that would make headlines in every paper and news report. Nikolai covered nicely stating that his son had always been very secretive about his relationships and that he and Leanna had been seeing each other for a very long time before the announcement of their engagement. He added that his son wanted to surprise his parents about the news since they too were clueless about the strength of their relations. Of course anyone that knew Dimitri would know that it was utter bullshit and a blatant lie.

Valarie curled up into Jake's lap and hugged herself tightly. She had run straight to him when word of Leanna's pregnancy and engagement was confirmed by Nikolai. He wanted to quarrel, he wanted to flip out, he wanted to plot a plan to destroy Dimitri once and for all for hurting poor Valarie but that wasn't what she needed now. She need support, comfort, a shoulder to cry on. He held her lovingly and stroked her head as tears drained constantly from her eyes.

His blood was boiling and his muscles stiffened to rocks. He felt at fault, like he hadn't done enough to save Valarie from that monster. He had him fooled, he had them all fooled. Just when you thought that maybe there was the possibility that he had changed, he dropped this bombshell. The audacity of him to try to deny it. Jake only dreamt of knocking out his lights, ending him for good. If he only got his hands on the bastard, he would surely be jailed for the crime he would commit.

"What did I do? What did I do?" Valarie asked between sobs.

Jake could do nothing but hug her tightly. The pain in her voice was too much to bear.

"Nothing Valarie, nothing. You did nothing wrong. He had us all fooled and I will make sure that he pays for this. He will regret that he ever did this to you. I will make sure of it."

Her sobs became more frequent as she pondered on the thought of what happened. There was barely any room left for the breaths she needed to prevent her from going into shock. Valarie harboured rapid short breaths. She struggled to get air into her lungs. Her throat was closing up and her chest tightened at a fast pace.

"Ahh Valarie, calm down. Calm down hun." Jake said as he felt her heart pounding against her chest.

She busted into another round of flooding tears.

He held her in his arms and picked her up like a child. She felt fragile in his grasp. Jake stood up and walked towards his room and laid her down on his bed. She was drenched in sweat. Jake made eye contact with her for a brief moment to get her silent approval then he gently removed her top layer of clothes to give her body more room to breathe. He wrapped his arms around the bare skin of her tiny waist and pulled her tightly against him.

Jake just laid next to her in silence, drinking in her painful cries. This was the worse he had ever seen her; it was the worse he had ever seen anyone. He felt helpless for there was nothing he could do to mend her little heart. His arms enwrapped her until she passed out into a deep sleep. The only reason she had stopped crying was because she had become exhausted to the point that her body was outright incapable of continuing.

Dimitri was too distraught to sleep or do anything at all. He sat in the comfort of his empty room, drinking himself into the abyss. What the hell really happened? It all felt like a dream yet he was wide awake to see that it wasn't. His memory of the Chase's residence was still sketchy. What had Leanna done? He clearly remembered refusing her and he had no recollection of bedding her so he was drowning in a pool of confusion.

Valarie, that's all his heart thought about. He couldn't get the image of her face out of his head. the flushness of her cheeks, the tears pooling in her eyes, the way she pushed him away when he tried to stop her from running away. Surely he wanted to explain things to her but what was he to say when he practically remembered nothing.

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