Chapter 21

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When your world crashes around and you come face to face with the fact that only your last nightmare exists, what do you do? Do you run away and burn all your pride to the ground? Or do you face it until you soon become your nightmare's nightmare instead.

Valarie stood tall, her eyes peering into the soul of the ultimate liar. Ashley stared back with the same intensity. There was nothing between them but thin air and tension. That sly one sided smile crept upon Ashley's face. Her bright red dress only added to the effect. Valarie could feel the blood warming beneath her skin. Her face becoming flush from the emotions exploding like firecrackers inside.

"Well look who showed up to work today" Ashley mused. The sound of her voice evoked a darkness with. Valarie clenched her fists at her sides. If she allowed her hands to wander elsewhere, they would definitely be buried deep within the flesh of the face in front of her.

"You ran out on the show pretty fast. You should have stayed for the best part when the cameras couldn't stop dancing in front of me." Valarie rolled her eyes. Any second longer near that scum and she would surely win herself a free ticket to jail.

"Excuse me" she said while attempting to walk past Ashley who stopped her with a firm hand on the shoulder. Valarie violently shrugged her hand off, "Don't you dare touch me" she said between clenched teeth. Ashley chuckled "What is it Valarie? You can't handle the presence of a winner?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were in a competition" Valarie responded before making another attempt to walk away."

Ashley made her final mistake to stop her again. Like a reflex action, Valarie pushed her off and connected a sound swift slap to her left cheek. The force off balanced her and she stumbled to the floor. Valarie exhaled sharply and regained her solid posture. She looked down at Ashley who was now in shambles on the floor with her hand over her cheek.

"I-said-don't-touch-me" Valarie pronounced with distinction in each word. She then continued to walk on to the office.

"That bitch!" Ashley huffed as she was left alone on the floor.

Valarie stopped at Dimitri's office and stood outside the door. She contemplated entering. After what he had let happen at the show, he didn't deserve to see her morning bitch face. Even that was too rewarding. She spun around and headed off to meet the one person who fell into her blow off list and deserved an apology, Kyle.

It was like she had wished for him to fall out of the sky. "Valarie!" Kyle screamed from across the room. He ran over to her and scooped her into a tight hug before she could respond.

"Well somebody missed me" she joked. Kyle pulled away and held her at arm's length. "Where have you been? I called your phone a million times. Why didn't you answer? Why didn't you call me back? Did someone kidnap you? Tell me if someone kidnapped you. I'll go bust their ass."

"Haha don't worry Kyle I'm fine. I just needed a day to think. I'm sorry I didn't contact you. Technically I was kidnapped...but I wasn't..."

"What?? Gurl who took you. Did you see his face. I'll go call the cops."

"Hey it's okay haha. It's a long story but I'll tell you a bit later. I just wanna settle in and get to work."

"Okay fine but lunch time at exactly 12:10pm you will tell me."

She shook her head "Okay deal."

"Did you know that witch still works here after that stunt she pulled. Dimitri still haven't told his father."

"Yea I know...I saw her already."

Kyle's eyes opened like full moons "How did that go down?"

"Let's just say I told her not to touch me and she did so she went down."

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