Chapter 11

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Three distinctive knocks were heard on the door. Dimitri lifted his eyes from his files and they came in direct contact with Valarie's.

"That's Kyle" he said, sounding quite sure of himself.

"What makes you so sure that's him?"

"He have a distinctive knock."

Valarie raised an eyebrow. "And you noticed?"

"Not intentionally. The littlest things can't slip by me."

"Hmm interesting...Well let's put your 'skill' to test then shall we."

"Yes come in" Dimitri invited.

The door creaked open and Kyle walked in. A satisfying smile immediately played across Dimitri's face. Valarie shook her head in amusement.

"Good morning" Kyle greeted to which only Valarie responded.

"The designs are ready and the models are ready. I wanted to know if you wanted the see them now so I'll go get them.

"You came all this way to ask me if I want to see them?" Dimitri questioned.

"Umm, yes sir" Kyle responded.

"So why didn't you just call my office and ask?"

Kyle paused. "Umm..."

Dimitri shook his head "Go bring them."

After a brief pause, Kyle awkwardly spun around and existed.

"Told you I know who it was" Dimitri said proudly.

Valarie rolled her eyes "Lucky guess."

"You are just jealous"

"Whatever. Oh I wanted to ask you something."


"Can I meet Adrianna? It'll give me a better idea of the kind of person she is."

"Ohh, sure. I can ask her to stop by the office later. You'll meet her then."

"That'll be great, thanks. So How was your date last night."

Her question immediately pried his lips open. He propped one hand up on his elbow to allow it to block his mouth to suppress the smile that was already showing. He cleared his throat.


Valarie furrowed her brows. "Interesting?"

"Oh yes, she's quite something. We went to the movies and she..."


"Nothing." His mood immediately changed and his face hardened.

She looked at him quizzically. "O-kay then..."

The same knock was heard on the door once more and Dimitri invited them in.

Kyle walked in with five gorgeous models following behind. They all hid their swimwear with silver silky robes.

"Okay, so number one" Kyle introduced.

The first model stepped forward. She slowly slipped her robe off revealing the design underneath. Valarie again kept her eyes fixed on Dimitri's face to analyze his expression but how much could one get from a poker face? He clenched his jaw and stared intently at each model as they approached. He made not a single comment. A cool silence filled the air as the last model returned to her original position. All ears awaited his response but it was as though glue had bound his lips together.

"What do you think of the designs sir?" Kyle broke the silence.

Dimitri raised an eyebrow "Ehh, they are okay."

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